Jon Katzenbach, Carolyn Black
Many leaders are overlooking the people most critical to their organization’s success. Many organizations do now consider EQ, particularly in hiring. But they inadvertently filter against it. Self-awareness (candor) is often seen as highlighting weakness, self-regulation (restraint) is often seen as lack of passion, and empathy (awareness of others’ feelings) is often seen as an inability to make hard decisions. Promotions are most often based … [ Read more ]
Content: Quotation | Authors: Carolyn Black, Jon Katzenbach | Source: strategy+business | Subjects: Human Resources, Organizational Behavior
Jon Katzenbach, Carolyn Black
According to [Frederick] Herzberg, the key to motivating workers is enriching their jobs by giving them enough responsibility, control, and data to facilitate growth and “play,” or experimentation. Today’s leaders and managers should ask themselves: Do employees have a view of and control over their work, from inputs to impact? Can they take on new but surmountable challenges? Is there room for them to make … [ Read more ]
Content: Quotation | Authors: Carolyn Black, Jon Katzenbach | Source: strategy+business | Subjects: Human Resources, Organizational Behavior