I have run this site as a labor of love since 1999, in the process adding more than 20,000 suggested articles and other learning resources. Considering I typically only deem 2-3 articles of every hundred I read worthy of inclusion, you can do the math on just how much time I spend reading and choosing the content to present on MBA Depot. And, while it is true that I have ads on the site, frankly, they make me very little money. I am not complaining—as I said, it is a labor of love and it keeps me abreast of the latest business thinking. Still, everyone likes know their hard work is appreciated, and making a small donation is one way you can do just that. Any amount—one-time or recurring—is very much appreciated.
If you are interesting in making a donation, the easiest way is to send me something via PayPal. Use the contact form to let me know you want to send something and I’ll tell you the email address to use (to avoid listing it here for spam bots to pick up).