China’s many futures
Communist China is morphing into something that will one day become a pillar of global society. In the meantime, foreign investors need to consider the many possible routes the country may take to get there.
Editor’s Note: see related articles, “China’s State-Owned Enterprises: prepare for a turbulent flight”
Content: Article | Authors: Allan Zhang, Giles Chance, Jonathan Story | Source: European Business Forum (EBF) | Subject: International – Asia
Japan’s New Wave of M&A
The restructuring of Japan, Inc., provides great opportunities for acquisitive foreign companies, but also new challenges.
Content: Article | Author: Till Vestring | Sources: Bain & Company, Wall Street Journal | Subject: International – Asia
Reversing Japan’s Downward Spiral
New research estimates that taxpayer liability for the Japanese financial crisis will total at least 24 percent of Japan’s GDP.
Editor’s Note: this article is a bit topical, but the issues addressed and the importance and longevity of the topic lead me to include it.
Content: Article | Author: Anil Kashyap | Source: Capital Ideas | Subjects: Economics, International – Asia
Hidden Power
The reports of Japan’s economic death are widely exaggerated. The country possesses huge wealth and technological savvy. American CEOs ignore the opportunity at their peril.
Read a counterpoint (Japan’s Woes Far From Over) at:
Content: Article | Author: William J. Holstein | Source: Chief Executive | Subjects: Economics, International – Asia
India-From emerging to surging
In a decade, the country could more than double its gross domestic product per capita-but only if its government and people act quickly and decisively.
Content: Article | Authors: Amadeo M. Di Lodovico, Shirish Sankh, Vincent Palmade, William W. Lewis | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Economics, International – Asia
Spotlight on John Child
In this issue of Spotlight, Professor John Child speaks to editor Sarah Powell about the challenges of establishing successful joint ventures in China.
Content: Article | Source: Emerald Now | Subjects: International – Asia, People
Nine Opportunities to Achieve Supply Chain Excellence in Asia
Depending on the country and the industry, supply chains in Asia lag three to five years behind the West in terms of creating efficiencies and improving effectiveness. Accenture’s Supply Chain Management experts identify nine specific opportunity areas to close the performance gap and create a competitive advantage.
Content: Article | Authors: Robert Easton, T. Bing Zhang | Source: Accenture | Subjects: International – Asia, Operations
Cracking Down on the Chaebol
The SK case may signal a new drive against corporate crime in South Korea
Editor’s Note: though a topical article, some of the underlying issues discussed are of value to those without extensive knowledge of South Korea and the chaebol system.
Content: Article | Author: Moon Ihlwan | Source: BusinessWeek | Subject: International – Asia
India Is Living Up to Its Promise
After years of false starts, its companies are finally starting to soar.
Content: Article | Author: Manjeet Kripalani | Source: BusinessWeek | Subject: International – Asia
A New Era? Internationalization of East Asia Companies
Relative latecomers to internationalization, East Asian companies are now facing unique pressures and opportunities as they go global. Professors Arnoud De Meyer and Peter Williamson examine data drawn from more than 400 publicly-listed East Asian firms, focusing on foreign sales and investment between 1995 and 1999. Their analysis yields both theoretical insights and a practical model for achieving successful internationalization.
Content: Article | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subject: International – Asia
Shanghai: Business lessons from China’s smartest city
“…Of all China’s cities, Shanghai has gone furthest toward the success factors for a global “smart city.” Its ambition to become a major financial center and player on the international stage by 2015 has fueled this drive. History has also given Shanghai many advantages. It is probably the most outward-looking of any Chinese city and has a strong political voice in Beijing. The latter has … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Andrew Chetham | Source: TechRepublic | Subject: International – Asia
Cool Korea
How it roared back from disaster and became a model for Asia
Content: Article | Authors: Brian Bremner, Moon Ihlwan | Source: BusinessWeek | Subject: International – Asia
Entrepreneurship in Asia and Foreign Direct Investment
A look at local entrepreneurship in four economies in Asia offers a fascinating lens on Foreign Direct Investment, says HBS professor Yasheng Huang. Discussing his new research proposal at an HBS International Seminar recently, Huang also offered insights on what it might mean as China rises.
Content: Article | Author: Martha Lagace | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: International – Asia
The Missing Link: People, Organizations and Their Relationships
A melange of different kinds of people in a firm can be a real challenge. Strategic management practices often fall short at the implementation stage if they don’t consider the different ways that members of a diverse workforce do or don’t relate to others and to the firm. Drawing on research in social psychology, comparative management and organization theory, Professor Steven White and Aki Nakamura … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Aki Nakamura, Steven White | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subjects: International – Asia, Organizational Behavior
Governance in India and Around the Globe
India is not known for rigid corporate governance standards. Is software giant Infosys changing all that? A working paper by HBS professors Tarun Khanna and Krishna Palepu looks at how globalization may—or may not—foster convergence of corporate governance.
Content: Article | Authors: Krishna Palepu, Tarun Khanna | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subjects: Corporate Governance, International – Asia
What’s Next for India: Leading Change in an Age of Uncertainty
Can the world’s largest democracy hold on to its competitive advantage in information technology while meeting the basic needs of its population? That was the major question before participants of the sixth annual Wharton India Economic Forum, which formed part of the Wharton 2001 Global Business Forum. In contrast to past years, this year’s discussions seemed to be firmly grounded in bottom-line reality.
Content: Article | Source: Knowledge@Wharton | Subject: International – Asia
The Keiretsu System: Cracking or Crumbling? (.pdf)
This excellent piece looks at Japan’s Keiretsu system – definitions, history, purposes, structure and future. If you don’t know much about the Keiretsu system, this is the article to read.
Content: Article | Author: Douglas Ostrom | Source: Japan Economic Institute | Subjects: Economics, International – Asia
The Panic Spreads
You can no longer safely shrug off Japan’s economic crisis. It just might drag the world into a depression.
Content: Article | Author: Benjamin Fulford | Source: Forbes | Subjects: Economics, International – Asia
How Dragons Can Mutate Into Paper Tigers – Reflection On Face-Saving Management and China
Power dynamics can make an authoritarian system very successful but also vulnerable and insecure. In vying for international prestige Chinese statesmen are pursuing a set of targets they believe will boost the country’s future growth and glory. But there are reputational risks of which all leaders should be aware.
Content: Article | Author: Kai-Alexander Schlevogt | Source: European Business Forum (EBF) | Subject: International – Asia
India – From Emerging to Surging
India’s gross domestic product is growing by an impressive 6 percent a year. But research by the McKinsey Global Institute has uncovered three barriers preventing the country’s GDP from growing even faster: myriad regulations governing products and markets, distortions in the market for land, and widespread government ownership of business. Thirteen policy measures could remove these barriers, allowing the economy to grow by 10 percent … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Amadeo M. Di Lodovico, Shirish Sankhe, Vincent Palmade, William W. Lewis | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Economics, International – Asia