Perfecting The Art Of Silence In Negotiating
Silence is the secret tool of power negotiators. Knowing when to listen, not talk. Using facial expressions, not your voice, to make a point. Here are five tips on how perfecting the art of silence can make you a better negotiator.
Content: Article | Author: Liz Tahir | Subjects: Management, Marketing / Sales, Negotiation, Personal Development
Dealing with the ‘Irrational’ Negotiator
“Negotiators who are quick to label the other party ‘irrational’ do so at great potential cost to themselves,” say HBS professors Deepak Malhotra and Max H. Bazerman. Their new book, Negotiation Genius, combines expertise in psychology with practical examples to show how anyone can improve dealmaking skills. In this excerpt, Malhotra and Bazerman describe what to do when the other party’s behavior does not make … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Deepak Malhotra, Max H. Bazerman | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
Mimicry a big plus in negotiations, a new study suggests
A study suggests that subtly imitating mannerisms, gestures, etc., of the other partner during a face-to-face negotiation can lead to greater success for both parties.
Content: Article | Authors: Adam Galinsky, Elizabeth Mullen, William W. Maddux | Source: Academy of Management | Subject: Negotiation
Brinkmanship in Business
A businessman often convinces himself that he is completely logical in his behavior when in fact the critical factor is his emotional bias compared to the emotional bias of his opposition. Unfortunately, some businessmen and students take the attitude that competition is some kind of impersonal, objective, colorless affair.
Editor’s Note: written in 1968…
Content: Article | Author: Bruce D. Henderson | Source: Boston Consulting Group (BCG) | Subjects: Management, Negotiation
Negotiating in a Multicultural Business Environment
As business becomes increasingly global and large numbers of international mergers and acquisitions continue to take place, you may soon find yourself having to negotiate with people from cultures very different from your own.
Content: Article | Source: BNET | Subject: Negotiation
Read my lips: Code switching in negotiation
The right strategy and preparation are important elements in successful negotiation, but unless we use the right verbal and nonverbal communication we may never get what we want. Knowing the rules that that can set the tone or “code” of a negotiation, and how we can successfully switch that code, is vitally important. Without that knowledge, this author points out, we may never get what … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: William A. Donohue | Source: Ivey Business Journal | Subject: Negotiation
27 Principles of Negotiating
I count 21 not 27 “principles” in this article and not all are really principles. Nothing leading-edge but a useful and short collection to use as a checklist or reminder in negotiations.
Content: Article | Source: MeetingsNet /RCM Staff Report | Subject: Negotiation
Interpersonal Deception Theory: Ten Lessons for Negotiators
Interpersonal Deception Theory (“IDT”) attempts to explain the manner in which individuals while engaged in face-to-face communication deal with, on the conscious and subconscious levels, actual or perceived deception. IDT proposes that the majority of individuals overestimate their ability to detect deception. This paper examines the theory and offers 10 suggestions for dealing with deception in negotiations.
Content: Article | Author: James Hearn | Source: | Subjects: Negotiation, Organizational Behavior
How To Use the Six Laws of Persuasion during a Negotiation
To get what you want in life requires constant negotiation. Discover the Six Laws of Negotiation and how to communicate persuasively.
Content: Article | Author: Edrie Greer, Ph.D. | Source: Global Knowledge Network | Subject: Negotiation
Negotiating in Three Dimensions
“Negotiation is increasingly a way of life for effective managers,” say HBS professor James Sebenius and colleague David Lax. Their new book, 3-D Negotiation, describes how you can shape important deals through tactics, deal design, and set-up, and why three dimensions are more powerful than one. Here’s a Q&A and book excerpt.
Content: Article | Author: Martha Lagace | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
Negotiating When the Rules Suddenly Change
Following the adoption of a collective bargaining agreement in 2005, National Hockey League GMs had one month to absorb the new rules and put a team together. How to best negotiate in an uncertain environment? Michael Wheeler advises looking to military science for winning strategies.
Content: Article | Author: Michael Wheeler | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subjects: Negotiation, Strategy
When Not to Trust Your Gut
Most of us trust our intuition more than we should, especially when the pressure is on in negotiations. Professors Max Bazerman and Deepak Malhotra on negotiating more rationally. From Negotiation. Key concepts include:
* Too much trust in intuition can lead to irrational decisions.
* Employ “System 2” thinking to apply logic even in times of stress and indecision.
* In negotiations, schedule more time … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Deepak Malhotra, Max H. Bazerman | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
Negotiating For Success
Negotiation plays an important role in effecting a successful sales process. It helps in achieving the sales objectives without making the other party concede too much. In other words, effective negotiation helps in developing a ‘win-win’ situation for the buyer and the seller. The paper outlines six steps for effective utilization of negotiation in a successful sales process. [BNET Annotation]
Content: Article | Author: Bob Gibson | Source: Negotiation Resources | Subject: Negotiation
Competitor To Pleaser: Understanding Negotiating Personalities
Every individual has a prominent negotiating style. Being able to determine theirs and knowing up-front what to expect can produce dramatic results. Most business people will fall into one of four categories: competitor, collaborator, compromiser or pleaser.
Content: Article | Author: Bob Gibson | Source: Negotiation Resources | Subject: Negotiation
Four Strategies for Making Concessions
“Concessions are often necessary in negotiation” says HBS professor Deepak Malhotra. “But they often go unappreciated and unreciprocated.” Here he explains four strategies for building good will and reciprocity.
Content: Article | Author: Deepak Malhotra | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: Negotiation
When Gender Changes the Negotiation
Gender is not a good predictor of negotiation performance, but ambiguous situations can trigger different behaviors by men and women. Here is how to neutralize the differences and reduce inequities.
Content: Article | Authors: Dina W. Pradel, Hannah Riley Bowles, Kathleen L. McGinn | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subjects: Negotiation, Women in Business
Why negotiation is the most popular business school course
Just as negotiating has become an ongoing process, so too has learning new negotiating techniques. “Improving your negotiation skills,” write the co-authors of this article, “is a long journey that involves constant reflection, awareness, and openness to feedback.” In the article, a valuable and extremely useful primer for negotiators, they describe and outline the preparation, value-claiming and value-creating strategies that are the foundation of any … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Geoffrey J. Leonardelli, Leigh Thompson | Source: Ivey Business Journal | Subjects: MBA Related, Negotiation
The Differential Roles of Respect and Trust on Negotiation
This paper examines the effect trust and respect has on the strategies used to negotiate, as well as the outcomes of that negotiation. The authors define trust as “the willingness to be vulnerable to another person in the absence of monitoring or the belief that a person does not intend to deceive or harm the trusting person.” Respect is “the value one is shown in … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Laurie R. Weingart, Matthew A. Cronin | Source: Social Science Research Network (SSRN) | Subject: Negotiation
How no-deal options can drive great deals: When actions away from the table eclipse face-to-face negotiation
Yes you can look at your counterpart across the negotiating table and infer “when to hold them and when to fold them.” But negotiating successfully very much involves what you also do away from the table. These co-authors, widely experienced in international business negotiation, describe the importance of a Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement, (BATNA), and a critical tactic that every successful negotiator must understand … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: David A. Lax, James K. Sebenius | Source: Ivey Business Journal | Subject: Negotiation
Negotiating: The Top Ten Ways That Culture Can Affect Your Negotiation
Jeswald W. Salacuse has found that ten particular elements consistently arise to complicate intercultural negotiations. These “top ten” elements of negotiating behavior constitute a basic framework for identifying cultural differences that may arise during the negotiation process. Applying this framework in your international business negotiations may enable you to understand your counterpart better and to anticipate possible misunderstandings. This article discusses this framework and how … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Jeswald W. Salacuse | Source: Ivey Business Journal | Subject: Negotiation