Taking the measure of product development

Is the way you measure product-development performance harming your company’s health? New research suggests that it might be.

Beware the iSmell: 10 Rules for Successful Product Development

Product development is often a make-or-break issue for start-ups, and it’s also one of the most poorly understood, entrepreneur Dan Cohen said during a recent presentation at Wharton San Francisco.

270+ Tools for Running a Business Online

Mashable’s online business toolbox lists more than 270 online apps for running your business, broken down into the following categories:
Accounting, Billing, Invoicing, Estimating & Contracts
Calendars & Scheduling
Charts, Diagrams, and Whiteboards
Collaboration & Workgroups
Conferences, Presentations & Meetings
Crowdsourcing, Networking & Community
Customer Relationship Management, Customer Service & Contact Management
Database, File Storage & Information Management
Employee Management, Payroll & Human Resources
Marketing & Publicity
Money Making & eCommerce Solutions
Office Applications
Organization & Management
Phone … [ Read more ]

Your Guide to Enterprise Software Selection: Part One

Enterprise software selection is a risky undertaking. Even after you’ve determined your requirements, the crucial software assessment and negotiation phases are potential minefields. Find out how you can reduce the risk involved in choosing a solution that meets your needs.

Your Guide to Enterprise Software Selection: Part Two

Enterprise software selection is a risky undertaking for any organization. Find out how you can reduce the risk with a best-practice approach to assessment, evaluation, and selection—and learn how to reduce the time and cost involved in choosing the right solution.