Biz/Ed Business Series (Spreadsheet-Based Tutorial)

Editor’s Note: All newly updated in July 2024…

This excellent set of spreadsheets was created by Duncan Williamson back in 2000 for Biz/Ed, which was an excellent site but is not defunct (you can still find it and the original spreadsheets on the Internet Archive). He recently got in a nostalgic mood I think and saw that I had referenced his earlier … [ Read more ]

50+ Free Guides To Startup HR, Recruiting, Leadership

Homebrew is a VC firm that believes building a great team and culture starts with your first hire. Toward that end, they have created guides on talent and HR topics that are essential to building and retaining great teams and have open sourced them to help founders without a supportive ecosystem.

Open Source Funding Documents

Cooley, one of the top startup law firms, has open sourced the legal documents required to do a Series Seed or Convertible Note financing.

Support Your Managers with These re:Work Tools

There’s no question that managers matter to your organization: research shows that managers can significantly impact business outcomes and the employee experience. Develop and support your managers with these tools from Google’s re:Work blog, including:

  • Manager feedback survey [Google Forms survey]
  • New manager training course materials [slides, facilitator guide, and student workbook]
  • Career conversation worksheet [document]
  • “One Simple Thing” worksheet [document]
  • 1:1 meeting agenda template

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Public speaking is a huge fear for many people. teaches you the basics for free, with simple do’s and don’ts to ease your mind and craft an engaging speech. Developer and startup advisor Zach Holman designed the site as a crash course in the art of public speaking. There are five basic sections:

  1. How to plan your task
  2. Design and build your slides
  3. Prep or the big

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The ActionMBA is a self-guided learning program to master all the essential skills, best practices and ideas to achieve maximum impact with our businesses and careers. Whether you are a non-profit, artist, author or entrepreneur, there are common skills and knowledge we all must master to get our ideas to the largest possible audience.

The ActionMBA is about systematically identifying and mastering all of those skills … [ Read more ]

MBA Excel Story Tracker

The key to preparing for behavioral interview questions is to ensure that you have proper coverage for all of the core behavioral question types. To put it another way, you want to make sure that you have a story that applies to every question your interviewer might ask. What you really want to avoid is being prompted with a question you didn’t prepare … [ Read more ]

Professor Aswath Damodaran’s Data Page

For the last two decades, Aswath Damodaran has dedicated the first two weeks of each new year to a ritual. He obtains/collects/downloads data on all publicly traded companies listed globally, using a variety of data sources, and then analyzes and presents the data, aggregated at a number of different levels: by country, by region (US, Europe, Emerging Markets, Japan, Australia & Canada) and by industry. … [ Read more ]


Docracy is an open collection of legal contracts. It also offers a comprehensive solution for having the documents verified and signed online.

Organization Effectiveness Simulator

To translate insight into action, Booz & Company have developed an online simulation tool that enables individuals to audition various five-step organizational change programs. After assessing the current state of your organization and diagnosing it as one of seven common types, you can select from among 28 specific actions that map to one or more of the organizational DNA building blocks—decision rights, information, motivators, or … [ Read more ]


If your PowerPoint presentations are feeling a little robotic and your slides could use some freshening up, SlideFinder is a PowerPoint presentation search engine that can help you find new slides and inspiration.

SlideFinder catalogs publicly available PowerPoint presentations and indexes them by content. You can search for and download thousands of PowerPoint presentations to help with everything from ideas on how to lay out your … [ Read more ]

The Pocket MBA Portable App

Calling all business students and students of business: Pocket MBA shrinks a complete MBA coursebook to iPhone size. The app originally sells for $29.99, but you can get the lite version for free from the iTunes App Store.

Based on the work of Jae K. Shim (co-author of “The Vest-Pocket MBA”), Pocket MBA covers topics ranging from Business Strategy to Economics to Information Technology.

In each of … [ Read more ]

The S&P 500 at Your Fingertips

Countless hours have been spent by stock market investors researching the historic performance of the S&P 500 stock market index but until now, they’ve had to slog through spreadsheets or go datamine other reams of data to be able to extract the data they’re after, and that’s before doing any number crunching! Now however, everything has changed because we here at Political Calculations are putting … [ Read more ]


Legendary retailers Sam Walton and Ray Kroc used to hunt for real estate at 30,000 feet; they used private planes to survey the country for prime spots in which to open new stores. Now a new website, ZoomProspector, attempts to provide business owners a similar bird’s-eye view of the commercial landscape from their desk chairs.

Using information from local governments and other sources, ZoomProspector allows companies … [ Read more ]

University of the People (UoPeople)

University of the People (UoPeople) is the world’s first tuition-free, online academic institution dedicated to the global advancement and democratization of higher education. The high-quality, low-cost and global educational model embraces the worldwide presence of the Internet and dropping technology costs to bring university level studies within reach of millions of people across the world. With the support of respected academics, humanitarians and other visionaries, … [ Read more ]


Need a template for your business plan, a tutorial on Python programming, or a copy of the Gettysburg address? Document sharing web site DocStoc has more than 12,000 files posted for free browsing and downloads. Registered members can keep personal “folders” on the site with links to useful docs and get notified by email when another user uploads a file type they request. Those looking … [ Read more ]

ASSESS -an Interactive Program for Utility Assessment

ASSESS is an interactive computer program for assessing utility functions. A utility function is a quantitative scale of how an individual values different levels of a payoff, for example, the personal value that you attach to various monetary outcomes. The utility function of an individual may be used to help him/her make decisions among complex alternatives involving risk and multiple objectives. ASSESS can elicit a … [ Read more ]

Introduction to Economic Analysis

R. Preston McAfee offers his economics textbook online in MS Word and PDF formats for free.

This book presents introductory economics (“principles”) material using standard mathematical tools, including calculus. It is designed for a relatively sophisticated undergraduate who has not taken a basic university course in economics. It also contains the standard intermediate microeconomics material and some material that ought to be standard but … [ Read more ]


This tool allows you to search the world of blogs by keyword, brand or topic to see who’s blogging about it and what they’re saying. The interface encourages you to compare one keyword vs. two more related keywords (or brands, if you are doing competitive research).

What is best about Trendpedia is that it graphs a timeline for you that shows the action of that keyword … [ Read more ]

Squeezed Books

The idea behind Squeezed Books is to provide open access to business book summaries, and a collaborative environment where everyone can read summaries, write new ones, and talk about the books in question.