Professor Aswath Damodaran’s Data Page

For the last two decades, Aswath Damodaran has dedicated the first two weeks of each new year to a ritual. He obtains/collects/downloads data on all publicly traded companies listed globally, using a variety of data sources, and then analyzes and presents the data, aggregated at a number of different levels: by country, by region (US, Europe, Emerging Markets, Japan, Australia & Canada) and by industry. He reports on measures of operations (profit margins, turnover ratios, working capital), measures of leverage (debt ratios), measures of risk (beta, standard deviation, equity risk premiums, country risk premiums) and pricing measures (earnings multiples, book value multiples, revenue multiples). The best part is that the professor makes all this freely available on his site.

Editor’s Note: for more on this data, see the professor’s blog post at Aswath Damodaran
Source: NYU Stern School of Business
Subjects: Economics, Finance, Free Stuff / Tools, Reference / Search

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