Protect Your Business Brand: The Proper Use of Trademarks

I know that proper use of trademarks and service marks gets confusing for many entrepreneurs. The following is a simple and handy guide on the proper use of the marks in your business. It’s important to review your website and marketing material and make sure that you are preserving potential legal protection for your marks

A Legally Ignorant Web Designer Can Create an IP Mess for a Startup’s Website

I understand that you may be trying to start a company and build a website on a shoe string budget.

You may think that you are saving money by hiring an individual or a small Web design shop to create your website.

You may think that you are getting a real deal because the individual or tiny shop happens to be highly creative and truly talented.

You may … [ Read more ]

Properly Documenting the Creation of Your Startup’s IP

If you think that you and your employees may be creating valuable IP, it is well worth the effort to require good idea and invention record keeping — from the start.