Class Takeaways — How to Run a Meeting Effectively
Lecturer Matt Abrahams shares what it takes to be a more confident, connected, and clear facilitator.
How to Get Beyond Talk of “Culture Change” and Make It Happen
Experts outline their roadmap for intentionally changing the culture of businesses, social networks, and beyond.
Content: Article | Authors: Alissa Greenberg, Hazel Rose Markus, Jennifer Eberhardt, MarYam Hamedani | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Culture, Organizational Behavior
Chip Heath
It turns out that our brains are wired to critique situations. And so if we’ve got a global economic downturn and the salesforce has really been hit hard by this, we’ll tend to focus on the people that are doing the worst and try to coach them and help them out. What we don’t often do is look at the best people and steal their … [ Read more ]
Content: Quotation | Author: Chip Heath | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Best Practices, Marketing / Sales
Workplace Friction: How to Make the Right Things Easier and the Wrong Things Harder
Stanford professor and acclaimed author Bob Sutton shares insights on how to eliminate unwanted friction in your organization — starting at the top.
Content: Article | Authors: Robert I. Sutton, Stanford Seed | Source: Stanford University | Subject: Organizational Behavior
Quick Study: How to Think Like a Venture Capitalist
Since the 1970s, venture capitalists have backed about one-third of all large publicly traded companies started in the U.S. That’s one of the remarkable findings from Ilya Strebulaev, a finance professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business who studies the inner workings of the VC industry.
Follow the Leader: How a CEO’s Personality Is Reflected in Their Company’s Culture
There’s no ideal personality type for executives — but businesses need the right one for success.
Content: Article | Authors: Audrey Kim, Charles O’Reilly, Donald Sull, Xubo Cao | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Corporate Governance, Culture, Organizational Behavior
Seven Myths of Corporate Governance
This paper examines seven commonly accepted myths about corporate governance. How can we expect managerial behavior and firm performance to improve, if practitioners continue to rely on myths rather than facts to guide their decisions?
Content: Article | Authors: Brian Tayan, David Larcker | Source: Stanford University | Subject: Corporate Governance
Auto-Renew Snags New Subscribers — But It’s Not a Good Way to Keep Them
Companies seeking loyal consumers shouldn’t take advantage of their tendency to stick with unwanted subscriptions.
Content: Article | Authors: Avner Strulov-Shlain, Deborah Lynn Blumberg, Klaus Miller, Navdeep Sahni | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Marketing / Sales, Pricing
Class Takeaways — The Human Factor
Five lessons in five minutes: Professor Szu-chi Huang on how humans make decisions and get motivated.
Content: Article | Authors: Kelsey Doyle, Szu-chi Huang | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Decision Making, Organizational Behavior
Why “Copycat” Layoffs Won’t Help Tech Companies — Or Their Employees
“Layoffs kill people,” says Jeffrey Pfeffer. And they don’t cut costs or improve productivity.
Content: Article | Authors: Jeffrey Pfeffer, Melissa De Witte | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Human Resources, Management, Organizational Behavior
Why Free-to-Play Apps Can Ignore the Old Rules About Cutting Prices
In a digital marketplace, mixing “freemiums” and promotions can actually be a money maker.
Content: Article | Authors: Harikesh Nair, Jonathan Levav, Julian Runge, Sachin Waikar | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Marketing / Sales, Pricing
Baba Shiv
It is in the anticipation of success that success itself resides.
Content: Quotation | Author: Baba Shiv | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Personal Development, Success / Failure
Baba Shiv
In the real world, there is no such thing as making the right decision. You make the decision and then make the decision right.
Content: Quotation | Author: Baba Shiv | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Decision Making, Organizational Behavior
Baba Shiv
As a current and/or future organization leader, you have to be effective at two things among others day in and day out. You have to be effective at making decisions, but even more important, I would argue you have to be effective at shaping others’ decisions. And when we go about shaping others’ decisions, what do we often end up doing? We present rational arguments. … [ Read more ]
Content: Quotation | Author: Baba Shiv | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Communication, Leadership, Management, Organizational Behavior
Class Takeaways: Crafting and Leading Strategy
How do you know whether you have a good strategy? That’s a trick question, says Stanford Graduate School of Business professor of organizational behavior Jesper Sørensen. In his class Crafting and Leading Strategy, Sørensen teaches that strategy is constantly evolving, and that leaders can use it effectively by constantly showing how daily tasks support a strategy.
Make Numbers Count: How to Translate Data for Your Audience
In this interview with podcast host Matt Abrahams, Chip Heath talks about ways that data and statistics can be used to illuminate — or obscure — our message.
Content: Multimedia Content | Authors: Chip Heath, Matt Abrahams | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Organizational Behavior, Personal Development, Productivity / Work Tips
Class Takeaways — Managing Successful Groups and Teams
How do you build successful, diverse teams? How do you offer structure and control while also inviting participation?
In this video based on her class Managing Groups and Teams, Stanford Graduate School of Business professor of organizational behavior Deborah Gruenfeld shares five key lessons for team leaders.
Class Takeaways: The Frinky Science of the Human Mind
Five lessons in five minutes — how to build emotional connections that back up your decisions.
Content: Article | Authors: Allison Felt, Baba Shiv | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Leadership, Management, Organizational Behavior, Personal Development
Jeffrey Pfeffer
If you have technical skills without influence skills, you’re not going to go anywhere cause you can’t get anything done. If you have influence skills without technical skills, you may go places but you’ll get the wrong things done. So you really need both.
Content: Quotation | Author: Jeffrey Pfeffer | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Career, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Personal Development
Jeffrey Pfeffer
Authenticity and the idea of authenticity basically gives people an excuse to not change, to not adapt. So, instead of being true to yourself, you need to be true to what other people around you need from you. This idea that you need to be authentic is insane.
Content: Quotation | Author: Jeffrey Pfeffer | Source: Stanford University | Subjects: Leadership, Management