Russ Laraway’s book When They Win, You Win, weaves together tons of existing management studies from top-notch sources like Gallup, his own primary research, as well as thoughtful stories from his own decades-long career.
From the Marines to software to VC, Laraway has spotted a pattern that frequently crops up and muddies the waters for managers everywhere. “People have become far too focused on all the things that should be different about being a manager: Whether you’re at a big company or a startup. If you’re an engineering or a sales leader. If you’re in tech, food services, or manufacturing. We try to identify the things that are different and therefore should be different in our leadership approach. This is the exact wrong instinct,” he says.
In this exclusive interview, Laraway sketches out the lessons in his new book that apply to managers everywhere — from the “Big Three” management frameworks most strongly correlated with employee engagement, how to measure how well your managers are performing, and how to make sure you’re even picking the right leaders to begin with. He skips the fluff and instead leans on quantifiable research to chart a clearer path to management success.
Author: Russ Laraway
Source: First Round Review
Subjects: Human Resources, Management, Motivation, Organizational Behavior
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