Wachowicz’s Web World: Web sites for discerning finance students

Though designed to supplement the Fundamentals of Financial Management text, which John Wachowicz (Univ. of Tennessee) coauthored with James Van Horne, this site’s wealth of links, from accounting through taxation and world markets, makes it a premier Web business resource. Organized to parallel the text chapters, the site is divided into eight major categories: Introduction to Financial Management, Valuation, Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning, Working Capital Management, Investment in Capital Assets, The Cost of Capital, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy, Intermediate and Long-Term Financing, and Special Areas of Financial Management. Site pages provide alphabetical listings of reliable current links that often lead the user to additional Web pages. Students will find the online quizzes and Excel spreadsheet templates useful.Students, faculty, researchers, and the general public will want to bookmark this site as a gateway and database to a significant portion of the Web’s business content relevant to finance.

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