What Kind of Leader Are You?
Your employees might have you pegged, but how well do you know yourself?
Content: Article | Author: Adam Bluestein | Source: Inc. Magazine | Subjects: Leadership, Personal Development
Debunking the Myth of Innovation
Nearly everywhere you turn these days, you are exhorted to innovate, disrupt, or otherwise prove yourself a game changer. It’s enough to make you feel that if you haven’t put a couple of Fortune 500 incumbents out of business this week, you’ve taken your eye off the ball.
There’s nothing wrong–and plenty that is right–with trying to innovate. But what if innovation is not the panacea … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Adam Bluestein | Source: Inc. Magazine | Subject: Innovation
Understanding Geeks
A field guide to your tech staff.
Content: Article | Author: Adam Bluestein | Source: Inc. Magazine | Subjects: Human Resources, IT / Technology / E-Business, Management