Editor Favorites
I have been reading and adding useful content to this site since late 1999. That is a long time and a lot of content. So, perhaps having a look at some of my favorites will prove somewhat helpful for getting started. Unfortunately, I haven't always been great about using the favorites feature myself, especially in recent years, so many of my favorites skew toward older content. Still, I hope it will be of some use. You may also want to check out the most popular content on the site.
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- "F" Words for Effective Meetings
- 'Green-ness Can Be Measured
- 8 Ways to Make Your Direct Marketing Copy Work Harder
- 9 Ways to Win on the Web
- 12-Step Foolproof Sales Letter Template
- Accountability: Effective Managers Go First
- Achieving Growth by Setting New Strategies for New Markets
- Activity-Based Costing in the Info Age, Part I
- A Different Game: Wharton Book Explores Managing Emerging Technologies
- Ad Placement: You're Getting Warmer
- AdRelevance State of Online Advertising Report (.pdf)
- A faster way to count items in an Excel list
- All for the Cause
- All That Glitters is Not Sold
- A Matter of Metrics: Using Web Data to Improve Sales Performance
- A Nation of Spendthrifts? An Analysis of Trends in Personal and Gross Saving
- Are boards and CEOs accountable for the right level of work?
- Are cultural differences in Europe on the decline?
- Are You Marked for Greatness?
- Ask The Right Security Questions Before Choosing An ASP
- Assessment of Excellence in Procurement
- Assuming Leadership: The First 100 Days
- A Strategy for Supporting Innovation and Growth in Times of High Uncertainty (.pdf)
- Background Report: Employee Stock Options (.pdf)
- Becoming a Prepared Acquirer
- Behind the Numbers: The Mystery of B-to-B Forecasts Revealed
- Benchmarking Innovation Best Practice
- Beyond Supply Chains: Empowering Responsible Value Chains
- Board Briefing on IT Governance, 2nd Edition
- Boom or Bust?
- Bounce Rate: Sexiest Web Metric Ever?
- Brave New World: Eight Steps to a Winning Startup
- Building an Innovation Dynasty
- Building Companies, Building Communities: Entrepreneurs in the New Economy
- Building Leaders at Every Level
- Built to Flip
- Business-To-Business Platforms: Let's Make A Business-To-Business Deal
- Business with a Conscience: Do It Right
- Buy, Sell or Trade?
- Casting off the chains
- Challenges in Building World Class Technology Companies
- Computer Documentation Library: On-Line Software Tutorials
- Content-Delivery Services Can Avert Traffic Jams
- Corporate Breakups
- Corporate Governance: Hard Facts about Soft Behaviors
- Corporate Portfolio Management: Theory and Practice
- Creating a Product Strategy
- Creating Leadership Magic
- Debugging Executive Decision Making
- Dee Hock on Management
- Delivering "Home Run" Presentations
- Deming's 14 Points
- Designing the Corporate Center: How to Turn Strategy into Structure
- Discontinuous Improvement: Five Catapulting Ideas
- Does strategy really matter anymore?
- Do Talk to Strangers: Encouraging Performative Ties to Create Competitive Advantage
- Do You Have the Will to Lead?
- Do You Need to be a Hero?
- Do You Need to Switch Your Pitch
- Dynamic Competitive Simulation: Wargaming as a Strategic Tool
- E-Procurement Is Not Electronic Purchasing
- Economic Man, Cleaner Planet
- Elite Graduate Expectations
- Elliott Jaques Levels With You
- ePodunk
- Equity Loans: How to Sell What You Do Not Own
- Escalation Dominance
- Europe Ventures Forth
- Executive Education: Managing by Dimensions
- Extending Product Life Cycle Stages
- Extreme Analysis for Extreme Project Management
- Fast Organizational Growth: Ten Insights From Successful Managers
- Fear and greed in VC funding
- Five Rules for Winning Emerging Market Consumers
- Freedom's Road
- Functional versus Unit Organizations
- Globalization Ledger™
- Go Global
- Growth’s Triple Crown
- Guiding Nonprofits Into the 21st Century
- Has Outsourcing Gone Too Far?
- He Who Is Always Right: Customer Relationship Management
- Hispanic Fact Pack
- Hope and Dreams
- How a Start-up Evolves
- How Business Strategy Tamed the "Invisible Hand"
- How Much Do You Know?
- How The World Works
- How to Convince Investors
- How to Raise Money
- How to Read a Business Book
- How to spot shareholder value?
- Ignoring Your Corporate Identity Can Sabotage Strategic Change
- Innovation: A Chimera No More
- In Search of Performance Anatomy
- Inside an Internet IPO
- In Sync: Aligning Costs with Customer Value Creation
- International Economic Trends
- Interview with Kenneth French
- Is Bigger always Better?
- Laying the Groundwork for a Successful IPO
- Leadership and the Learning Organization
- Leadership in an Age of Uncertainty
- Leadership in Transformation
- Leadership Is Confusing as Hell
- Learning Disabilities and Leadership
- Learning to Expect the Unexpected
- Let's Do Launch
- Let's Talk
- Life Is Negotiation: Field-Tested Techniques in Emotional Intelligence and Tactical Empathy from an FBI Negotiator
- Looking for Evidence of Accounting Chicanery? Try Digging Deeper
- Maintaining momentum in mergers
- Making a Market in Knowledge
- Managing Acquisitions to Change and Survive
- Marcus Buckingham Thinks Your Boss Has an Attitude Problem
- Marketing: Are You Really a Realist?
- Marketleap's Link Popularity Analysis Tool
- Mercenaries vs. Missionaries: John Doerr Sees Two Kinds of Internet Entrepreneurs
- Mind Your Core Business
- Moving Targets
- Negotiating: The Top Ten Ways That Culture Can Affect Your Negotiation
- New Concepts in Value-Based Management: TRS Mapping and Total Economic Profit
- New Tools for Negotiators
- Not Badly Paid But Paid Badly
- Not Quite As Per The Plan: Impact of Uncertainty on Project Management
- NVCA Model Venture Capital Financing Documents
- Oh, the Games Enron Played
- On the Profitability of Long-Life Customers in a Non-Contractual Setting: An Empirical Investigation and Implications...
- Organization: Helping People Pull Together
- Organizational factors and knowledge management within large marketing departments (.pdf)
- Organizing on the Edge: Meeting the Demand for Innovation and Efficiency (.pdf)
- Passing Judgment
- Performance Can’t Be Measured by Company Growth Alone
- Portals Pump Up Mom and Pop
- Positive Deviant
- Practical Knowledge Management: A Model That Works
- Pre-Money
- Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset: Intellectual Property
- Put Search Engine Marketing in Your Web Design
- Rational Reorganization
- RAVE™: Integrated Value Management for Customer, Human Supplier and Invested Capital
- Realize results: Busting three common myths of change management
- Real Options: Valuing Flexibility in Strategic Investments
- Red Ink
- Remuneration: Where We've Been, How We Got to Here, What are the Problems, and How to Fix Them
- Rethinking ROI
- Saudi Arabia
- Seeing Around Corners
- Separating Winners from Losers
- Setting Value, Not Price
- Sharing the Burden of Corporate Governance
- Social Irresponsibility in Management
- Sounds of Silence
- Special: Has B-school known the secrets of e-biz all along?
- Spirituality: The Emerging Context for Business Leadership
- Staff turnover and absenteeism - the costs
- Starring Roles
- Strategic Thinking and Strategy Analysis in Business - A Survey on the Major Lines
- Successful Employee Orientation (Part 3)
- The "Marketnomics" Difference: A Handy Tool for Maximizing Product Value
- The 'Rule of Three' in Europe
- The 6 Myths Of Creativity
- The 10 Principles of Organizational DNA
- The A.T. Kearney Strategy Chessboard
- The Age of Social Transformation
- The Art, Science, and Labor of Recruiting
- The Art Of E-Biz: The Good—And Not Good Enough—Of Web-site Design
- The Basics of Fundamental Analysis
- The Buffett Approach to Valuing Stocks
- The Cult of Three Cultures
- The Dilemma Doctors
- The End of the Endgame?
- The Golden Spike
- The History of Strategy and Its Future Prospects
- The Holy Grail of Shareholder Value Measurement
- The Hypomanic American
- The Inevitability of Managed Trade
- The Invisible Side of Leadership
- The Keiretsu System: Cracking or Crumbling? (.pdf)
- The Neuroscience of Leadership
- The New Transnational HR Model: Building A Chaordic Organization
- The next revolution in interactions
- The Performance Management System: Turning Strategies into Results
- The Perils of Impairment
- The Philosopher of Progress and Prosperity
- The Pmarca Guide to Startups, part 8: Hiring, managing, promoting, and firing executives
- The Political Economy of Open Source Software
- The Power of Productivity
- The Power of the Marginal
- The Realist's Guide to Moral Purpose
- The Rediscovery of Articulation
- The Right to Win
- The Role of Training for Boards of Directors
- The Secrets of Performance Appraisal
- The Six Roles of the Corporate Renegades
- The Skills Imperative: Talent and U.S. Competitiveness
- Three Rules for Exceptional Performance
- Time to Money
- Tools for inventing organizations: Toward a handbook of organizational processes
- To Win the Respect of Followers, Leaders Need Personality Intelligence
- True Finance
- Upstarts: ASPs
- Use these Fourteen Points to improve the quality of your data
- Use this architecture to structure your business intelligence solutions
- Using Business Model Innovation to Reinvent the Core: Doing Something New with Something Old
- Using Purpose to Drive Innovation
- Venture Capital – An Overview of the Basic Issues and Challenges for Entrepreneurs
- Visualizing Organizations
- Waging War On Complexity
- Want a Company You Can Be Truly Proud of? Try a Business Ethics Program
- Want to Avoid a Firestone-like Fiasco? Try the M3 Concept
- Warren Buffett's Investment Checklist
- Wealth Distribution and the Role of Networks
- What do strategists actually do?
- What Every CEO Needs to Know About E-Business
- What is the Right Performance Management Approach for Your Organization?
- What Strategists Can Learn from Sartre
- What the CEO Can Do to Put Sales and Marketing on the Same Revenue Page
- Whistleblowing Towards Quality
- Who's accountable for IT?
- Who Knows Whom, And Who Knows What?
- Who Will Own Your Next Good Idea?
- Why C.E.O.'s Succeed (and Why They Fail): Hunters and Gatherers in the Corporate Life
- Why Good Management Ideas Fail - The Neglected Power of Organizational Culture
- Why Knowledge Programs Fail: A C.E.O.'s Guide to Managing Learning
- Why People Buy
- Winning support for organizational change: Designing employee reward systems that keep on working
- Your Good Name: Before You Lose It
- Your Strategy Needs a Strategy
File Downloads
- Biz/Ed Business Series (Spreadsheet-Based Tutorial)
- Building Strategic Alliances.pdf
- Check Box Example Spreadsheet
- Global eCommerce Report (TNS Interactive)
- Hightech Metro Areas (.pdf)
- How To Do A Strategic Analysis
- Internet-at-a-glance1-00.pdf
- Internet Valuations.pdf
- MS Excel Conditional Row Delete Add-In
- Ross Report on Economic Performance of Metro Areas (.pdf)
- Stock Valuation Models Spreadsheet
- Structuring Your Startup.pdf
- TechnoBrands
- User Interface (UI) Design
- Valuation & Return Dynamics of New Ventures
Graphics | Images
Member-Contributed Content
Multimedia Content
Networking Content
- Aaron De Smet, Mark Loch, Bill Schaninger
- Abraham Lincoln
- Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff
- Adam Smith
- Adlai Stevenson
- Admiral Halsey
- Admiral Radford
- Adrian Levy
- Alain de Botton
- Alan Wolfe, John A. Deighton, Leora Kornfeld
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Einstein
- Aldous Huxley
- Alfie Kohn
- Alfie Kohn
- Alfred Adler
- Alfred Adler
- Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.
- Allan Loren
- Alvin Toffler
- Alvin Toffler
- Alvin Toffler
- Alvin Toffler
- Alvin Toffler
- Amar Bhidé
- Anne Riches
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Antonio Damasio, head of neurology at the Universi
- Antonio Machado (Spanish poet)
- Aristotle
- Arthur Brisbane, American journalist (1864-1910)
- Arthur Ciancutti
- Arthur Ciancutti
- Arthur Ciancutti
- Art Kleiner
- Art Kleiner
- Art Kleiner
- Arun N. Maira
- Ashley Montagu
- Barry Minkow
- Bell Labs
- Ben Cheever
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Schwarz
- Bernard Avishai
- Bernard Avishai
- Bernie Mills
- Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe
- Bhagvad-Gita
- Bill Bachrach
- Bill Cosby
- Bill Gates
- Bjorn Lomborg
- Bob Prosen
- Bob Prosen
- Bob Prosen
- Bob Sutton
- Bruce A. Pasternack
- Bruce A. Pasternack, Thomas D. Williams, and Paul
- Bruce A. Pasternack and James O'Toole
- Bruce D. Henderson
- Bruce M. Hubby
- Bruce M. Hubby
- Bruce Mau
- Bryan Eisenberg
- Bryan Smith and Joel Yanowitz
- Bryan Smith and Joel Yanowitz
- Buckingham and Coffman
- Business 2.0
- Calvin Coolidge
- Carl Pascarella
- Carol Dweck, Marina Krakovsky
- Carolyn Aiken and Scott Keller
- Charles Darwin
- Charles E. Lucier and Janet D. Torsilieri
- Charles F. Kiefer
- Charles F. Kiefer
- Charles F. Kiefer
- Charles F. Kiefer
- Charles Fishman
- Charles Handy
- Charles Handy
- Charles Kettering
- Charles Kettering
- Charles Roxburgh
- Charles W. Mulford
- Charlie Munger
- Charlie Munger
- Chris Argyris
- Chuck Peck (original source?)
- Clayton Christensen
- Clayton Christensen
- Clayton Christensen
- Clayton M. Christensen
- Clemmer Group
- Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr.
- Col. George Reed
- Colin Powell
- Colin Powell
- Craig Mindrum
- Cyrus the Great
- Dacher Keltner
- Dacher Keltner
- Danah Zohar
- Dan Case (former CEO of Hambrecht & Quist)
- Dan Heath, Chip Heath
- Daniel Kahneman
- Daniel Kahneman
- Daniel Kahneman
- Daniel Okrent
- Daniel Webster
- Daniel Yankelovich
- Daniel Yankelovich
- David A. Garvin
- David A. Garvin and Lynne C. Levesque
- David Allen
- David Allen
- David Gill
- David K. Hurst
- David K. Hurst
- David L. Dotlich
- David Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations
- David Pottruck
- David Reid, deputy chairman of Tesco
- Dean Kamen
- Dee Hock
- Dee Hock
- Dee Hock
- Dee Hock
- Dee Hock
- Denis Couillard
- Denis Nayden - Senior VP, General Electric Company
- Des Dearlove and Stuart Crainer
- Dick Grote
- Dick Grote
- Dick Martin
- Dick Martin
- Dick Martin
- Dominic Barton, Roberto Newell, and Gregory Wilson
- Donald A. Schon
- Don Tapscott
- Douglas Rushkoff
- Dr. Dennis R. Deaton
- Dr. J M Sampath
- Dr. J M Sampath
- Dr. J M Sampath
- Dr. Larry Allums, director of the Dallas Institute
- Dr. Mark Albion
- Dr. Mark S. Albion
- Dr. Nathaniel Branden
- Dr. Rachel Remen
- Dr. Robert Jarvik
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- E. M. Forster: Howard's End
- Earl Graves (Founder and publisher of Black Enterp
- Eduardo Schiehll and Paul Andre
- Edward Lawler III and Christopher G. Worley
- Eileen Shapiro
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eleri Sampson
- English proverb
- Eric Abrahamson
- Eric Bonabeau
- Eric Bonabeau and Valdis Krebs
- Eric Olsen
- Erik Brynjolfsson
- Erik Brynjolfsson
- Evan I. Schwartz
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Faith Ringgold
- Florian Mauerer, Hubertus Meinecke, Yves Morieux
- Frances Hesselbein
- Frances Hesselbein
- Frances Hesselbein
- Frances Hesselbein
- Frances Hesselbein
- Frances Hesselbein, Peter Senge
- Frances Hesselbein / Peter Drucker
- Francis Bacon
- Francis Bacon
- Francisco Dao
- Frank Kotsonis (?)
- Frederick W. Smith
- Fred Smith
- G. Bennett Stewart III
- G.K. Chesterton
- Gandhi
- Gary Klein and Karl E. Weick
- Gary R. Casselman & Timothy C. Daughtry
- Geary Rummler
- General Douglas MacArthur
- Geoffrey Moore
- Geoffrey Moore
- Geoffrey Moore
- George Bernard Shaw
- George Bernard Shaw
- George D. Parsons, Richard T. Pascale
- George Orwell
- George Santayana
- Gerald Zaltman
- Glen A. Barton
- Glover T. Ferguson
- Gordon Eubanks (original source?)
- Gordon MacKenzie
- Grant Miles
- Gregory V. Milano
- Harold Evans
- Harold J. Leavitt
- Harold Sherman and Al Pollard
- Harry S. Truman
- Henrik Ibsen
- Henri Nouwen
- Henry Blodget
- Henry Blodget
- Henry Blodget
- Henry Ford
- Henry Ford
- Henry Kissinger
- Henry Mintzberg
- Henry Mintzberg
- Henry Mintzberg
- Henry Mintzberg
- Henry Mintzberg
- Henry W. Chesbrough
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Herb Kelleher
- Herb Kelleher
- Herb Kelleher
- Herman Melville
- Hermann Simon
- Horace
- Howard Gardner
- Howard Gardner
- Howard Gardner
- Howard Gardner
- Howard Stevenson
- Howard Zinn (Philosopher)
- Hugh Davidson
- Ian Morrison (consultant and author)
- Igor Stravinsky
- Ikujiro Nonaka
- Isaac Newton
- Jack Lemmon
- Jack Welch
- Jack Welch
- Jagdish Sheth and Rajendra Sisodia
- James G. March
- James G. March
- James G. March
- James G. March
- James Keebler (author of Keeping Score)
- James Krohe Jr.
- James Krohe Jr.
- James M. Kouzes
- James Norris
- James O'Toole
- Jane Greenlaw
- Jay W Lorsch and Thomas J Tierney
- Jay W Lorsch and Thomas J Tierney
- Jay W Lorsch and Thomas J Tierney
- Jay W Lorsch and Thomas J Tierney
- Jean-Baptiste Molière
- Jeanie Duck
- Jean Jacques Rousseau
- Jeanne Liedtka
- Jeanne Liedtka
- Jeanne Liedtka, Henry Mintzberg
- Jeff Bezos
- Jeff Bezos
- Jeff Citron
- Jeff Heilman
- Jeffrey Pfeffer
- Jeffrey Pfeffer
- Jeffrey Pfeffer
- Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton
- Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton
- Jeffrey Rosen
- Jeff Thull
- Jeff Thull
- Jeff Thull
- Jeff Thull
- Jeff Thull
- Jennifer M. Kemeny and Joel Yanowitz
- Jeremy Hope and Robin Fraser
- Jerry Wind / Vijay Mahajan / Robert Gunther
- Jerry Zaltman / Daniel H. Pink
- Jim Barksdale
- Jim Camp
- Jim Clemmer
- Jim Clemmer
- Jim Collins
- Jim Collins
- Jim Collins
- Jim Collins
- Jim Collins
- Jim Collins
- Jim Collins
- Jim Robbins
- Jim Rohn
- Jim Rohn
- Jim Stovall
- Jim Stovall
- Jim Stovall
- Jim Stovall
- Jim Stovall
- Joan L. Bragar
- Joe Firmage
- Joe Kraus
- Joel Kurtzman
- Joel Kurtzman / Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Joel M. Podolny, Rakesh Khurana, and Marya Hill-Popper
- Joe Pine
- Joe Pine
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Johan V Campbell
- John Adams
- John Battelle
- John Dewey
- John Dingell
- John E. Treat, George E. Thibault and Amy Asin
- John Ehrenfeld
- John Ehrenfeld
- John F Kennedy
- John Gardner
- John Hagel III
- John Harvey-Jones
- John Hood
- John Jainschigg
- John Kao
- John Kenneth Galbraith
- John Kenneth Galbraith
- John Kenneth Galbraith
- John Kotter
- John Locke
- John Lubbock
- John Maynard Keynes
- John McCain
- John McCain
- John Nirenberg
- John P. Kotter
- John R. Boyd, USAF
- John Rawls (American philosopher)
- John Roth
- John S. McCallum
- John Seely Brown
- John Seely Brown
- John Seely Brown
- John Seely Brown, John Hagel
- John Seely Brown and Estee Solomon
- John Stuart Mill
- John W. Lewis
- John W. Newbern
- John Wareham
- John Wareham
- John Wooden
- Jonathan Byrnes
- Jonathan Byrnes
- Jonathan Byrnes
- Jonathan Sacks
- Jonathan Zittrain
- Joseph Ellis
- Joseph L. Badaracco, Jr.
- Joseph L. Bower and Clark G. Gilbert
- Joseph Stiglitz
- Josh Kopelman
- Joshua Margolis
- Judith Martin, aka Miss Manners
- Judy Jernudd (??)
- Justin Menkes
- Justin Pettit
- Kahil Gibran
- Karen Stephenson
- Katherine Catlin
- Katya Andresen
- Keith H. Hammonds
- Keith H. Hammonds, Laura Nash
- Keith H. Hammonds / Doug Smith
- Keith Yamashita
- Ken Kesey (author)
- Ken Langdon
- Konosuke Matsushita
- Konosuke Matsushita
- Konosuke Matsushita
- Konosuke Matsushita
- Lance Armstrong
- Lao-tsu
- Laszlo Zsolnai
- Laszlo Zsolnai
- Lawrence Hrebiniak
- Lawrence Lessig
- Lee Thayer
- Lee Walker
- Leo Burnett
- Lester C. Thurow
- Lester C. Thurow
- Lester C. Thurow
- Lester Thurow
- Lester Thurow
- Lewis A. Sanders
- Liesl Capper
- Lorraine Monroe
- Lorrin L. Lee
- Lou Brock
- Lou Holtz
- Lou Holtz
- Louis Pasteur (19th-century French chemist)
- Luca Turin (subject of Chandler Burr's The Emperor
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- M. Henos
- Malcolm Gladwell
- Malcolm S. Forbes
- Manfred Kets de Vries
- Manfred Kets de Vries
- Marc Andreessen
- Marcus Aurelius
- Marcus Buckingham
- Marcus Buckingham
- Marcus Buckingham
- Marcus Buckingham and Curt W. Coffman
- Marcus Buckingham and Curt W. Coffman
- Marcus Buckingham and Curt W. Coffman
- Margaret Wheatley
- Margaret Wheatley
- Mark Goulston
- Mark Kingwell
- Mark Kingwell
- Mark Kingwell
- Mark Kingwell (stating old philosophical maxim)
- Mark Klein and Arthur Einstein
- Mark Scureman
- Marsha Johnson Evans
- Marshall Goldsmith
- Marshall Goldsmith, Kelly Goldsmith
- Marshall Goldsmith and Howard Morgan
- Martha Barletta
- Marvin Bower
- Marvin Bower
- Marvin Bower
- Marvin Bower
- Marvin Bower
- Marvin Bower
- Mary Parker Follett
- Matthew Budman
- Matthew Stewart
- Max Boisot
- Max De Pree
- Max De Pree
- Michael A. Roberto, Richard M.J. Bohmer, and Amy C. Edmondson
- Michael E. Raynor
- Michael E. Raynor
- Michael E. Raynor
- Michael E. Raynor
- Michael Hammer
- Michael Iva
- Michael Keeley
- Michael Mainelli
- Michael Porter
- Michael Schrage
- Michael Schrage
- Michael Schrage
- Michael Schrage
- Michael Schrage
- Michael Schrage
- Michelangelo Buonarroti
- Michio Kaku
- Miguel Angel Ariño
- Milton Friedman
- Mohanbir Sawhney
- Mohanbir Sawhney
- Mohandas Gandhi
- Mohandas Gandhi
- Monique Maddy
- Morgen Witzel, Confucius
- Murray Weidenbaum
- N. Dean Meyer
- Napolean
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Nathaniel Branden
- Navin V. Nagiah
- Niccoló Machiavelli
- Nicholas G. Carr
- Nicholas G. Carr
- Nicholas G. Carr
- Nicholas Negroponte
- Nigel Nicholson
- Nigel Nicholson
- Nigel Nicholson
- Nikos Mourkogiannis
- Nikos Mourkogiannis
- Nikos Mourkogiannis
- Nilofer Merchant
- Noel Tichy
- Old proverb
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
- Ortega y Gasset
- Oscar Wilde
- P. Petit
- P. Ranganath Nayak
- Paritosh Chakrabarti
- Patricia Bryans, Richard Smith
- Patrick Barwise
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Paul Graham
- Paul Graham
- Paul Graham
- Paul Graham
- Paul Graham
- Paul J. H. Schoemaker
- Paul Saffo
- Paul Wieand
- Paul Wieand
- Pearl S. Buck
- Peter Cappelli
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter Drucker
- Peter F. Drucker
- Peter F. Drucker
- Peter Koestenbaum
- Peter Koestenbaum
- Peter M. Senge
- Peter M. Senge
- Peter M. Senge
- Peter Senge
- Peter Skarzynski (summarizing the thoughts of Gary
- Philip Evans
- Philip Evans
- Philip Evans
- Philip Evans
- Philip Evans, Bob Wolf
- Philip Evans, Bob Wolf
- Philip Pullman
- Phillips Brooks
- Phyllis Rothschild, Jag Duggal, and Richard Balaban
- Pierre Wack (Royal Dutch/Shell forecaster and fath
- Pierre Yves (P Y) Gerbeau
- P Ranganath Nayak, David A. Garvin, Arun N. Maira, and Joan L. Bragar
- P Ranganath Nayak, David A. Garvin, Arun N. Maira, and Joan L. Bragar
- Price Pritchett (?)
- Professor Emil Homerin (University of Rochester)
- Professor W. Sorbeck (Chip Kidd)
- Publilius Syrus (First Century B.C.)
- Putt's Law
- R. Buckminster Fuller
- Rakesh Khurana, Nitin Nohria, and Daniel Penrice
- Ralph Szygenda
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Randall Cheloha
- Ray Podder
- Ray Stata
- Regis McKenna
- Regis McKenna
- Renée Mauborgne
- Rene Descartes
- Rhonda Germany and Raman Muralidharan
- Ricardo Levy (chairman of Catalytica Energy System
- Richard A. Kleinert
- Richard Foster
- Richard M. Devos
- Richard Marcinko
- Richard N. Foster and Sarah Kaplan
- Richard N. Foster and Sarah Kaplan
- Richard Nelson Bolles
- Richard Rumelt
- Richard Rumelt
- Richard Rumelt
- Richard Saul Wurman
- Richard Saul Wurman
- Richard Saul Wurman
- Richard Z. Gooding, Ph.D.
- Robert A. Caro
- Robert A. Caro
- Robert Filek
- Robert Kelley
- Robert Kennedy
- Robert K Greenleaf
- Robert Knowling
- Robert Knowling
- Robert L. Sutton
- Robert M. Tomasko
- Robert McKee, Bronwyn Fryer
- Robert Nardelli
- Roberto Goizueta
- Robert Pirsig
- Robert S. Kaplan
- Robin Athey
- Robin Athey
- Rob Waite
- Roger Enrico
- Roger Martin
- Ron Adner
- Ronald A. Heifetz and Donald L. Laurie
- Ronald Burt
- Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky
- Ronald Reagan
- Ronald S. Jonash, Philip D. Metz, and Bruce McK. Thompson
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Ross Mayfield
- Roy Williams
- Rudyard Kipling
- Rudyard L. Istvan
- Rudy Ruggles
- Rushworth Kidder
- Russell Ackoff
- Russell L. Ackoff
- Russell L. Ackoff
- Russell Muirhead
- Russell Muirhead
- Ruth Stevens
- Saint Augustine
- Samuel Johnson
- Samuel Johnson
- Samuel Johnson
- Samuel Tilden
- Sam Walton
- Scott Adams
- Scott Anthony, Clayton Christensen
- Scott Bedbury
- Scott D. Anthony, Matt Eyring, and Lib Gibson
- Seneca
- Seneca
- Sergio Zyman
- Seth Godin
- Shapiro, Slywotzky and Tedlow
- Shibumi Bubba
- Simon Walker
- Simon Zadek, CEO of AccountAbility
- Sir Terry Leahy
- Solzhenitsyn
- Soren Kierkegaard
- Stefan Thomke
- Stephen Covey
- Stephen M. Shapiro
- Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO
- Steve Hardy
- Steve Jobs
- Steven B. Potter (CEO, Executive Search Division, TMP Worldwide)
- Steven B. Sample
- Sumantra Ghoshal
- Sun Tzu
- Sun Tzu
- Susan Cramm
- Suzan St Maur
- T.E. Copeland
- Tamara J. Erickson and C. Everett Shorey
- Teresa Amabile
- The Economist
- The Gallup Organization
- Theodore Levitt
- Theodore Levitt
- Theodore Levitt
- Theodore Levitt
- Theodore Levitt
- Theodore Levitt
- Theodore Levitt
- Thomas Davenport
- Thomas Edison
- Thomas H. Davenport
- Thomas H. Davenport, John C. Beck
- Thomas J. Watson Jr.
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas L. Friedman
- Thomas Mannarelli
- Thomas Stewart
- Thomas V. Morris (author of The Art of Achievement
- Tima Bansal
- Tima Bansal
- Tima Bansal
- Timothy C. Daughtry Ph.D. & Gary R. Casselman Ph.D
- Timothy Haas
- Timothy J. Rohner
- Tom Golisano
- Tom Heuerman, Ph.D., Ed McGaa
- Tom Love and Haig Nalbantian
- Tom Peters
- Tom Peters
- Tony Mayo
- Tony Siesfeld and John-Paul Pape
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown / Bob Weir
- Vernon Tirey, CEO of Dialogos, Inc.
- Vijay Vishwanath, Dorie Krawiec
- Viktor Frankl
- Vinton Cerf
- Voltaire
- W. Douglas, US Supreme Court
- W. Somerset Maugham
- Warren Bennis
- Warren Buffett
- Warren Farrell
- Werner von Braun
- Wilford O. Cross (author, Prologue to Ethics)
- William Gibson
- William H. Rastetter
- William James
- William James
- William Penn
- William Penn
- Winston Churchill
- Winston Churchill
- Yves Morieux
- Yves Morieux
- Yves Morieux, Robert Howard
- Yves Morieux and Peter Tollman
- Zig Ziglar
- Zig Ziglar
- ZingTrain