How to Frame Goals to Increase Motivation
What motivates individuals to achieve goals differs depending on their cultural background.
Content: Article | Author: Amitava Chattopadhyay | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subject: Organizational Behavior
The New Emerging Market Multinationals: Four Strategies for Disrupting Markets and Building Brands
From smartphones and computers to blue jeans and beer, companies from China, India, Taiwan, Mexico, Turkey, and other emerging markets are now winning leading market shares with their own-branded, high-quality products—rather than with poorly produced products sold under others’ brand names. These emerging-market multinational companies (EMNCs) are giving the incumbent market leaders of North America, Western Europe, and Japan a run for their money in … [ Read more ]
Content: Book | Authors: Amitava Chattopadhyay, Aysegul Ozsomer, Rajeev Batra | Subjects: International, Strategy
Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited: At the Crossroads
As India edged nearer to full membership of the World Trade Organisation in 2005, Indian pharmaceutical companies faced new realities. For Ranbaxy Laboratories, a major player in the Indian generic drugs market, a successful adaptation to life in this new market was key to the company’s future. This case, Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited: At the Crossroads by Amitava Chattopadhyay and Swati Srivastava examines one company facing … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Authors: Amitava Chattopadhyay, Swati Srivastava | Source: INSEAD | Subjects: Industry Specific, International | Industry: Pharmaceutical | Company: Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited
Tata Tea Limited (A, B, & C)
Tata Tea is one of the largest tea companies in the world. Sheltered from competition by a protectionist Indian government for most of its history, the company in 1999 faced several new challenges: upcoming deregulation and changing consumer tastes. How should the company react? Research Associate Ulrike Wiehr and Professor Amitava Chattopadhyay review potential strategies.
Content: Case Study | Authors: Amitava Chattopadhyay, Ulrike Wiehr | Source: INSEAD | Subjects: International, Marketing / Sales | Industry: Food Products/Service | Company: Tata Tea Limited
Too Many Choices? Research Directions in Consumer Control and Empowerment
Today, consumers exert fuller control over their choices than ever before, a development heralded as greatly empowering for the consumer. But is it possible fro them to have too much control? INSEAD Professors Carmon, Chattopadhyay, Wertenbroch and colleagues pose this and other questions, and describe a set of research directions for understanding the consequences of increased consumer control and the factors that shape … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Amitava Chattopadhyay, Klaus Wertenbroch, Ziv Carmon | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subjects: Customer Related, Marketing / Sales
Going With Your Gut: Affective Cues in Consumer Judgment and Choice
A BMW is the ultimate driving machine and Pontiac builds excitement; Louis Vuitton bags signal who you are or want to be; Armani suits make you feel like a “million bucks.” When making buying decisions, your feelings are often more engaged than you realize, and sometimes, you go with your “gut feel,” even in the face of credible information about better features provided by the … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Amitava Chattopadhyay, Laurence Ashworth, Peter Darke | Source: INSEAD Knowledge | Subject: Marketing / Sales