6 Types of Market Failure
Market failure is the economic situation defined by an inefficient distribution of goods and services in the free market. This happens when the market does not supply products in the correct quantity or at the price consumers want to pay due inefficiency in the allocation of goods and services. A price mechanism fails to account for all of the costs and benefits involved when providing … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subject: Economics
15 Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer
Negotiating a job offer can be a stressful and unfamiliar task, but is an invaluable step in getting the salary and career you deserve.
Not many people are confident enough to go through the negotiation process, especially with the lack of job offers in certain fields, but it is important to add this to your employment process so that you get the best deal.
In addition to … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subjects: Benefits / Comp., Evaluating Job Offers
Ultimate List of Leading Job Search Engines (and Which One You Should Use)
With so many job boards and search engines on the internet and some of them even charging a fee, you’re probably wondering which of them can be trusted. Here are the leading job search engines you can find online today.
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subjects: Job Search, Jobs – Listing Services
17 Resume Tips that Will Get You that Job Interview
In this article, we explore the role of the resume and the most commonly overlooked tips on improving your resume, so you will get the chance to shine at the job interview.
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subject: Resumes
Best Interview Practices for Hiring Managers
There is more to interviews and interviewing than just inviting the candidate to appear at a designated time and place, and asking questions that are listed on a sheet of paper. Interviewers have a bigger task than to just deliver the questions, listen to the answers, and evaluate them. They also have to pay attention on how they conduct the interview in order to be … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subject: Human Resources
Do’s and Don’ts of Job Hunting (Expert Advice)
We have compiled a list of do’s and don’ts of the job search phase from experts. Many articles only list positive tips and tricks and though that is important, it does not paint the whole picture. We also want to present the things you should definitely avoid doing. Keeping both of these things in mind, you will significantly raise your success while job hunting.
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subject: Job Search
7 Email Templates for Your Next Job Application (Loved by Hiring Managers)
You need to conduct plenty of research to craft the perfect tailored resume and cover letter fitting the job and the company. That is already hard enough. Now, you need to email these documents to the organization you are applying to. However, that is easier said than done. Many applicants put so much time and effort in their cover letters and resumes, but neglect to … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subjects: Cover Letters, Job Search
6 Management Styles and When Best to Use Them
Consulting firm Hay/McBer identified these six management styles:
1. Directive
2. Authoritative
3. Affiliative
4. Participative
5. Pacesetting
6. Coaching
In the succeeding discussion, we will learn more about these management styles, and when they will be the best styles to use.
Content: Article | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subject: Management
Proven Answers to “What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses”
When it comes to job interview questions, the question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” is definitely among the most asked about. It’s also a question, which can be difficult to answer in a way that impresses the interviewer. In this guide, we’ll explain the reasons behind the question and provide you three strategies for listing your strengths, as well as your weaknesses. We’ll also … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subject: Interviewing
How to Write a Resume (and Impress Recruiters)
Ask a jobseeker what the most challenging and difficult aspects of a job search is, and you are likely to hear different answers. But you may come across several jobseekers who would readily answer that the toughest part for them is writing up their resume. After all, it is their weapon, their ultimate tool, in order to get their foot in the door, and be … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subjects: Career, Resumes
How to Write a Career Objective on Your Resume
In this article, we will give you a short introduction on what a career objective is and what makes it different from other similar sections of the resume. We help you decide whether you need one at all or not and show lots of bad and best practices for a better understanding of the best method of writing one.
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subjects: Career, Resumes
How to Write a Resume Skills Section (And What Skills to Add)
In this guide, we explore the skills section of your resume and what skills you should include.
Content: Career Information | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subjects: Career, Resumes
30+ Tips for Effective Team Building
Getting a team to work efficiently requires focus on team building. But what are the best tricks for getting a team to bond and succeed? We’ll provide you over thirty science-backed tips for making the most of your team.
Content: Article | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subject: Teamwork
Marketing Plan Template: What to Include
A marketing plan is part of a company’s business plan. It is composed of a comprehensive roadmap of a business’s marketing and advertising efforts. For a particular timeframe, it describes the company’s activities in achieving particular marketing objectives. Although a marketing plan can have a formal format, it can be used formally or informally, making it flexible. If done right, your marketing plan can act … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subject: Marketing / Sales
Customer Psychology Frameworks
One of the first rules in making your business successful is to know your target audience or, to be more specific, who your customers are. Therefore, it is imperative that businesses should look closer at their customers: who they are, what they want, what motivates them, what drives their decisions… basically, businesses should have a clear idea what makes their customers tick.
When we speak of … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Anastasia Belyh | Source: Cleverism | Subjects: Customer Related, Marketing / Sales