A Dangerous Time to Be a Niche Player
For niche companies, years of growth can quickly turn into losses when facing industry consolidation, and a wobbly economy is only increasing the peril. As Fritz Kroeger, Andrej Vizjak and Mike Moriarty write in this adaptation of their recent book, Beating the Global Consolidation Endgame: Nine Strategies for Winning in Niches (McGraw-Hill, 2008), long-term success is reserved for niche companies that truly understand the playing … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Andrej Vizjak, Fritz Kroeger, Mike Moriarty | Source: Kearney | Subject: Strategy
A.T. Kearney’s Growth Cube
The Growth Cube for Scale-Based Competition
Do you compete against a company? Or against its scale? In today’s ever-consolidating, ever-internationalizing, ever-scaling business environment, your competitors’ greatest strengths may reside in their size just as much as in their people, products and strategies. Choosing the right kind of growth will play a significant role in the quest for long-term profitability.
Content: Article | Authors: Andrej Vizjak, Carsten Seeliger, Thomas Salditt | Source: Kearney | Subject: Strategy