The 8 Types of Company Culture
Our work suggests that culture can be managed. The first and most important step leaders can take to maximize its value and minimize its risks is to become fully aware of how it works. By integrating findings from more than 100 of the most commonly used social and behavioral models, we have identified eight styles that distinguish a culture and can be measured.
Content: Article | Authors: Boris Groysberg, J. Yo-Jud Cheng, Jeremiah Lee, Jesse Price | Source: Harvard Business Review | Subjects: Culture, Organizational Behavior
Chasing Stars: The Myth of Talent and the Portability of Performance
It is taken for granted in the knowledge economy that companies must employ the most talented performers to compete and succeed. Many firms try to buy stars by luring them away from competitors. But Boris Groysberg shows what an uncertain and disastrous practice this can be.
After examining the careers of more than a thousand star analysts at Wall Street investment banks, and conducting more than … [ Read more ]
Content: Book | Author: Boris Groysberg | Subjects: Career, Human Resources, Management, Organizational Behavior
Talk, Inc.: How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power Their Organizations
Every leader has to make sure that employees are aligned with the overall corporate strategy it’s fundamental to running a successful business. Until recently, though, the tools for doing so were blunt at best, laughable at worst. Now, corporate leaders’ toolboxes overflow with different gear that can enable them to engage with their employees, to communicate the firm’s strategy, and, equally critically, to listen as … [ Read more ]
Content: Book | Authors: Boris Groysberg, Michael Slind | Subjects: Management, Organizational Behavior