Lucy Pérez, Dame Vivian Hunt, Hamid Samandari, Robin Nuttall, Donatela Bellone
Forward-looking companies think carefully about communications—not just in terms of what resonates with investors, but with a range of stakeholders; and not just communications for the sake of announcing to others but in order to learn, become smarter, and improve as an organization. Employees are a key constituency and are invariably an important source of insight. Companies can also continuously improve by engaging through trade … [ Read more ]
Content: Quotation | Authors: Dame Vivian Hunt, Donatela Bellone, Hamid Samandari, Lucy Pérez, Robin Nuttall | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Communication, Organizational Behavior, Public Relations
Lucy Pérez, Dame Vivian Hunt, Hamid Samandari, Robin Nuttall, Donatela Bellone
Forward-looking companies recognize that they cannot be distinctive by pursuing every initiative that qualifies as ESG. To the contrary: because they have a clear understanding of their strategy, and their own strengths and gaps, they focus on identifying initiatives that matter most to their business models. ESG is an essential strategic concern, which means it affects how and where a company competes.
Content: Quotation | Authors: Dame Vivian Hunt, Donatela Bellone, Hamid Samandari, Lucy Pérez, Robin Nuttall | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subject: Social Responsibility (ESG)
Global flows: The ties that bind in an interconnected world
Economic and political turbulence have prompted speculation that the world is already deglobalizing. But the evidence suggests that global integration is here to stay, albeit with nuance.
Content: Article | Authors: Hamid Samandari, Jeongmin Seong, Jonathan Woetzel, Michael Birshan, Olivia White, Sven Smit, Tiago Devesa | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Economics, International, Trade
Performance through people: Transforming human capital into competitive advantage
A dual focus on developing people and managing them well gives a select group of companies a long-term performance edge.
Content: Article | Authors: Anu Madgavkar, Bill Schaninger, Dana Maor, Hamid Samandari, Jonathan Woetzel, Kanmani Chockalingam, Olivia White, Sven Smit | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Best Practices, Human Resources, Training & Development
How to Make ESG Real
While ESG is likely to evolve both in substance and name in the coming years, its underlying impulse is here to stay. Here’s how companies can take a more systematic and rewarding approach to ESG.
Content: Article | Authors: Dame Vivian Hunt, Donatela Bellone, Hamid Samandari, Lucy Pérez, Robin Nuttall | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subject: Social Responsibility (ESG)