27 Words You Should Never Use to Describe Yourself
Some are incredibly overused. Others just make you sound full of yourself. Either way, you lose.
Content: Article | Author: Jeff Haden | Source: Inc. Magazine | Subjects: Career, Resumes
Job Interviewers, Avoid These 6 Gaffes
Even experienced interviewers often make mistakes. Here are six of the most common mistakes interviewers make, and what to do instead.
Content: Article | Author: Jeff Haden | Source: MoneyWatch | Subject: Human Resources
Which Type of Entrepreneur Are You?
Joe Abraham, the author of Entrepreneurial DNA: The Breakthrough Discovery That Aligns Your Businesses to Your Unique Strengths, has identified four types of innate entrepreneurial style (basically a person’s “business DNA”) and shows entrepreneurs how to leverage those individual strengths and leadership styles.
Content: Article | Author: Jeff Haden | Source: BNET | Subject: Entrepreneurship
9 Snap Judgments Managers Make in Job Interviews
I’ve interviewed thousands of potential employees and hired hundreds of them. Over time I developed the ability to quickly size up a candidate, sometimes even within a minute or two, based on one or two actions or comments. My snap judgments were rarely wrong.
I know what you’re probably thinking: “But that is so unfair.”
Fair enough. But keep in mind most interviewers do the same thing. … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Author: Jeff Haden | Source: BNET | Subject: Interviewing
Are You Smart, or Clever? Here’s How to Be Both
In business terms, smart is the guy down the hall with the MBA who analyzes and optimizes your supply chain because you assigned him the project. Clever is the gal on the shop floor who comes forward to show how you can increase productivity 15% simply by sequencing jobs differently.
The business world is populated by millions of smart people. Education, experience, resources — … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Jeff Haden | Source: BNET | Subject: Personal Development
7 Ways to Write a Better ‘About Us’ Page
Check your stats: Your About Us page is probably one of the most visited and highest ranked pages on your website. For most small businesses, the About Us page is what most powerfully establishes credibility. That is, unless yours stinks.
Content: Article | Author: Jeff Haden | Source: BNET | Subject: Marketing / Sales