Ahlstrom Korea
A Texas oil tycoon takes half his trusty drills and heads for new territory. But he’s not moving West, he’s headed to the Far East. Can Tex count on any success from this globalisation? Professor Philippe Lasserre and Jocelyn Probert explain that for Ahlstrom Korea’s similar expansion effort, it must deal with a wealth of stumbling blocks to make headway.
Content: Case Study | Authors: Jocelyn Probert, Philippe Lasserre | Source: INSEAD | Subjects: Industry Specific, International | Industry: Petro / Chemical | Company: Ahlstrom Korea
Asiaweek: Positioning a Regional Magazine
Consider a magazine’s positioning – it needs to lie somewhere between global and local, between hard news and soft news, and in the right place to deal with the competition. Professor Hellmut Schütte and Jocelyn Probert examine Asiaweek’s positioning, its history and how it struggled to strike a balance in its Asian market.
Content: Case Study | Authors: Hellmut Schütte, Jocelyn Probert | Source: INSEAD | Subjects: International, Marketing / Sales | Industry: Publishing | Company: Asiaweek
BASF in China: the Marketing of Styropor®
BASF is a multi-national producer of petro-chemicals that has enjoyed a comfortable, well-padded history of success in the packaging industry. The company’s product Styropor®, one of the few branded chemicals on the market, is a commodity – somewhat like Lycra®. The authors explain BASF’s problem in this case study: since Styropor®, by nature, costs more than similar products produced locally in China, it needs to … [ Read more ]
Content: Case Study | Authors: Hellmut Schütte, Jocelyn Probert | Source: INSEAD | Subjects: International, Marketing / Sales | Industry: Petro / Chemical | Company: BASF