John Hagel III

Scalable efficiency doesn’t just demand conformity among the individuals within the institution. It also seeks conformity among those it serves – that’s the path to scalable efficiency. Scalable learning on the other hand is driven by the desire to learn more about those who are being served by the institutions and then to provide ever more value to those constituencies by tailoring products and services … [ Read more ]

John Hagel III

Our informal survey of where employees are spending their time in major departments across large companies suggests that 60-70% of their time is consumed in “exception handling” – addressing unexpected events that the existing processes can’t handle. These exceptions are a great opportunity to create new knowledge – how to handle something never anticipated. Yet, today this work is generally done inefficiently – workers struggle … [ Read more ]

John Hagel III

In a world of exponential change, existing knowledge depreciates at an accelerating rate. The most powerful learning in this kind of world involves creating new knowledge. This kind of learning does not occur in a training room; it occurs on the job, in the day-to-day work environment.

Tying Social Software to Business Metrics that Matter

Many companies are interested in implementing (or already have implemented) social software in an attempt to streamline processes and increase employee communication. Often times, however, the new software is not integrated across the company in a way that makes it useful and lasting.

Unbundling the Corporation

The forces that fractured the computer industry are bearing down on all industries. In the face of changing interaction costs and the new economics of electronic networks, companies must ask themselves the most basic of all questions: what business are we in?

John Hagel III and Marc Singer

Beneath the surface of most companies are three kinds of businesses—a customer relationship business, a product innovation business, and an infrastructure business. Although organizationally intertwined, these businesses differ a great deal. …These three businesses rarely map neatly to a corporation’s organizational structure. Rather, they correspond to what are popularly called “core processes”—the cross-functional work flows that stretch from suppliers to customers and, in combination, define … [ Read more ]

Talent Is Everything

Why you need to reconfigure the company around your people.

From Push to Pull: The Next Frontier of Innovation

In “push” systems the core assumptions are that companies and other institutions can anticipate demand and that mobilizing scarce resources in previously specified ways is the most efficient and reliable way to meet it. But the efficiency of push systems comes at a stiff price, for they require companies to specify, monitor, and enforce detailed activities and tasks. This rigidity necessarily restricts the number and … [ Read more ]

Innovation Blowback: Disruptive Management Practices from Asia

Western companies think too narrowly about the emerging world. If they aren’t careful, they may end up as defenders, not attackers.

Finding New Sources of Strategic Advantage

Now is a good time to take a fresh look at your sources of capability building, according to the new book The Only Sustainable Edge. Book excerpt plus Q&A with coauthors John Hagel III and John Seely Brown.

The Strategic Value of Web Services

This McKinsey Quarterly Reader contains several articles focused on web services. In “Edging into Web services”, John Hagel points out that too much value lies at the fringes of organizations, where they interact with their partners, to leave the problem of uiversal connectivity unsolved. He argues that the technology will take off first at the connections among collaborating companies and then after proving its worth … [ Read more ]

Flexible IT, Better Strategy

IT’s critics say that it lacks strategic importance. So why does technology keep getting in the way of good strategy?

Cut Loose From Old Business Processes

Making a break with conventional processes can free businesses from the ties that bind their management flexibility, product creativity, supply-chain collaboration–and profits.

Step Into Action

CIOs need to consider the challenges, as well as the benefits, of adopting real-time systems.

Net Worth

Why Your IT Strategy Is Moving To the Web

Companies have traditionally embraced proprietary, in-house information systems. Until now, that is.