Shelly Palmer
We’ve found that few enterprises fully recognize the value of data, data governance, and data hygiene. Data is cash, and it should be treated like cash. You need a data P&L.
There are really three kinds of data. First-party data is your own company’s asset, which you are directly responsible for collecting. It may be from cookies, email subscriptions, orders, or sales receipts. Or it may … [ Read more ]
Content: Quotation | Author: Shelly Palmer | Source: strategy+business | Subjects: IT / Technology / E-Business, Marketing / Sales
Shelly Palmer
There’s a very strong confirmation bias for all content today, regardless of whether it’s entertainment, news, or just information. It will grow even stronger as technology improves. As content distributors, we are fighting the hardest fight ever: getting through the personal filters of people who have opted into their own world view. Many have no interest in getting out of it. […] The free and … [ Read more ]
Content: Quotation | Author: Shelly Palmer | Source: strategy+business | Subjects: Customer Related, Information, Knowledge, Marketing / Sales, Personality / Behavior
The Next Pop Superstar Just Might Be a Robot
Shelly Palmer, one of the world’s leading digital-technology commentators, talks about the evolution of the entertainment and media industry.
Content: Thought Leader | Authors: Art Kleiner, Deborah Bothun, Shelly Palmer | Source: strategy+business | Subject: Trends / Analysis