And Now for Something Completely Paradoxical

“In an age when every idea has a correspondingly heavy downside, managers must try to balance polar opposites: ‘paradox management’, as it has been called. ‘Effectiveness is inherently paradoxical,’ says Paul Evans . . . ‘To be effective, an organisation must possess attributes that are contradictory, even mutually exclusive.’ To its proponents, managing paradox is not just a fancy way of sitting on the fence … [ Read more ]

All Present and Correct in the Comfort Zone

“A new study by Bain & Company, the management consultants, has found that employment benefits, intended as a means of retaining loyalty, can also serve as something of a trap – for both employer and employee. The study found that companies are confused about the difference between commitment and endurance, and risk creating and rewarding a culture of presenteeism…researchers expected to find that workers with … [ Read more ]