Why Choose a European Business School?
Many aspiring MBAs may wonder where a European business school will lead you. A close look at the 19 European programs included in our list of the best international business schools can help answer that question. One thing is clear: a European B-School isn’t necessarily a one-way ticket into a European career. The top employers of European B-School graduates are American companies, according to Bloomberg … [ Read more ]
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Jonathan Rodkin | Source: BusinessWeek | Subject: International MBA Issues
Can Globalization Be Taught in B-School?
As companies seek individuals who can work anywhere in the world, plenty of U.S. business schools claim they’re “going global,” adding weeklong jaunts to China, Korea or Brazil and increasing the share of international students in their classes.
But that’s not enough to train tomorrow’s leaders, argues Pankaj Ghemawat, a professor of global strategy at IESE Business School in Barcelona.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Authors: Melissa Korn, Pankaj Ghemawat | Source: Wall Street Journal | Subject: International MBA Issues
Extra Help for Foreign M.B.A.s
U.S. business schools have spent years courting international students. Now that they’ve arrived—more than a third of M.B.A. students at many top schools hail from overseas—the institutions are struggling to keep up with their diverse demands.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Melissa Korn | Source: Wall Street Journal | Subject: International MBA Issues
Global MBAs: Finding One that Fits the Bill
Whether you want to be an entrepreneur or a senior corporate manager, all budding business leaders will need a global grounding. Here’s what to look for in a global MBA program.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Shawn P. O’Connor | Source: FORTUNE | Subject: International MBA Issues
The diminishing dominance of the American MBA
While the U.S. has long dominated the world of business education, European and Asian schools are ratcheting up the competition. Graduate Management Admission Council CEO Dave Wilson explains why he’d rather his child head to China for biz school over Harvard.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: John A. Byrne | Source: FORTUNE | Subject: International MBA Issues
Rating Agency Begins Grading Business Schools
With the Dec. 1, 2009 sale of Businessweek to Bloomberg LP, the magazine’s former owner, the McGraw-Hill Companies, officially exited the b-school ranking business. It now appears that the company wants back in. Credit Rating and Information Services of India (CRISIL), a rating agency that’s majority owned by McGraw-Hill’s Standard & Poor’s unit, yesterday announced the launch of a new rating service for business schools.
CRISIL … [ Read more ]
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Louis Lavelle | Source: BusinessWeek | Subjects: International MBA Issues, MBA Program Rankings
Las mejores escuelas de negocios del mundo para ejecutivos
Since 1993, the unit of analysis and studies AméricaEconomía Intelligence conducts research and rankings of the major topics of interest to senior executives and entrepreneurs from Latin America.
Editor’s Note: in Spanish
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Source: América Economía | Subjects: International MBA Issues, MBA Program Rankings
At what point does a business school become international?
The great Winston Churchill once observed that he liked learning but hated being taught. Similarly many colleagues facing an internationally diverse group may like teaching them but hate having to translate and interpret at the same time as teaching their module. Most business schools now have some form of student exchange program in place, which means the adjective ‘international’ can be employed liberally in all … [ Read more ]
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Phil Eyre | Source: MBA Channel | Subject: International MBA Issues
International Recognition Worth the Chase for Business Schools
IT takes years, can cost millions and there is a risk of rejection, which may be why most business schools don’t apply for international accreditation. But for those that do, it’s a case of proving their superiority by the company they keep.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Stephen Matchett | Source: The Australian | Subject: International MBA Issues
Asia’s Best Business Schools
As B-schools in China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and other parts of Asia make their programs more global, more Asian students are staying home to get their MBAs.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Source: BusinessWeek | Subjects: International MBA Issues, MBA Program Rankings
The Future is Another Country
A world of colleges without borders should benefit everyone, including students who stay at home.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Source: The Economist | Subject: International MBA Issues
Does learning a second language translate into business success?
It is said to be the universal language of business, but there are pros and cons for teaching MBAs in English.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Widget Finn | Source: The Times | Subject: International MBA Issues
China: Why Western B-Schools Are Leaving
Red tape, difficult partners, and weak demand have Western universities closing executive MBA programs.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Alison Damast | Source: BusinessWeek | Subjects: Business School News, International MBA Issues
China Economic Review – China Business Education
This site by China Economic Review, which claims to be the premier English-language China business magazine, offers regularly updated news on MBA related issues in China, a China MBA guide, and B-school profiles.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Source: China Economic Review | Subject: International MBA Issues
Financial Times European business schools 2007
Financial Times’ collection of articles and rankings focused on European business schools.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Source: Financial Times | Subjects: International MBA Issues, MBA Program Rankings
Chinese B-Schools Lift their Game
As the schools’ reputations improve, more local students are choosing to study at home rather than earn degrees abroad.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Dexter Roberts | Source: BusinessWeek | Subjects: Business School News, International MBA Issues
MBA Connect
MBA Connect is an independent, free, web-based, central clearing-house service connecting busy people with Australian MBA Programs which best meet their own needs. People wanting to do an MBA but finding it difficult to know which of the 40 plus institutions to contact for information, can have the footwork done for them with MBA Connect.
It works by simply filling in the Request MBA Course Information … [ Read more ]
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Victoria O’Connor | Subject: International MBA Issues
Business Today Rankings 2007 – India Bschools
The BizDeansTalk blog links to several sites focusing on the ranking of Indian B-Schools.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Source: BizDeansTalk | Subjects: International MBA Issues, MBA Program Rankings
How Students From Abroad Are Learning to Talk the Talk
Business schools are expanding programs to help foreign M.B.A. students prepare for careers in the U.S.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Ron Alsop | Source: CareerJournal (WSJ) | Subjects: Business School News, International MBA Issues
American M.B.As. Flock to Asia To Acquire Overseas Experience
Business schools are catering to a growing number of U.S. students who see the region as crucial to their careers.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Cris Prystay | Source: CareerJournal (WSJ) | Subjects: Business School News, International MBA Issues