U.S. Obesity Cost: $96.7 B
The Doctor Is Online (Almost)
Solving the Health Care Conundrum
Executive summary of a presentation on reforming health care made by Professor Michael Porter at a Harvard Business School Publishing Virtual Seminar.
Content: Case Study | Authors: Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg, Michael E. Porter, Thomas A. Stewart | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subject: Industry Specific | Industry: Healthcare
Teeth Whitening
Improving the Medicine Supply Chain: An Imperative for Public Health Care
Medicines play an important role in public health care programs, saving lives and drawing people to health facilities, where they can also receive preventive treatment. Medicines can also help keep health care costs down. Many insurance carriers would rather pay for drug treatment than for potentially risky and more expensive surgery. And the cost of complications from not treating illness with medicine in the early … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Source: Kearney | Subject: Industry Specific | Industry: Healthcare