The Marriage of Tax and Strategy
Make a commitment to the function that knows your company best.
Content: Article | Authors: Andy Ruggles, Mark Schofield, Michael Shehab | Source: strategy+business | Subjects: Accounting, Finance, Taxation
‘Tis Better to Give—Really
With donor-advised funds, you can avoid capital gains, get a huge income-tax break, and support your favorite cause.
Content: Article | Author: Robert Barker | Source: BusinessWeek | Subjects: Social Responsibility (ESG), Taxation
Outrageous Fortune
CommerceNet, a nonprofit booster of e-business, won respect throughout Silicon Valley because it was an honest broker. So how did a few of the group’s executives make millions for themselves? This article explains how and also provides an interesting look at an important historical presence in the development of e-commerce.
Content: Article | Author: Dan Goodin | Source: The Standard | Subjects: Ethics, Taxation
Does the Progressivity of Taxes Matter for Economic Growth?
ABSTRACT: A sizeable literature has argued that the growth effects of changes in flat rate taxes are small. In this paper, we investigate the relatively unexplored area of the growth effect of changes in the tax structure, in particular, in the progressivity of taxes. Considering such a tax reform seems empirically more relevant than considering changes in flat tax rates. We construct a general equilibrium … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Elizabeth M. Caucutt, Krishna B. Kumar, Selahattin Imrohoroglu | Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis | Subjects: Economics, Taxation | Industry: Government