Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step for Government and Nonprofit Agencies
Today’s insistence on demonstrated organizational performance is not limited to private-sector corporations. Public and nonprofit agencies are also finding that, as financial resources decrease and demand for results increases, they too must institute performance goals along with programs and processes to consistently progress toward those goals.
Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step for Government and Nonprofit Agencies identifies the opportunities-and helps eliminate the obstacles-of bringing the popular and … [ Read more ]
Content: Book | Author: Paul R. Niven | Subjects: Management, Nonprofit | Industry: Government
Strategic Tools for Social Entrepreneurs: Enhancing the Performance of Your Enterprising Nonprofit
A complete set of tools for applying entrepreneurial strategies and techniques to your nonprofit
As a follow-up to their book Enterprising Nonprofits, the authors of Strategic Tools for Social Entrepreneurs provide a full set of practical tools for putting the lessons of business entrepreneurship to work in your nonprofit. The book offers hands-on guidance that helps social sector leaders hone their entrepreneurial skills and carry … [ Read more ]
Content: Book | Authors: Frances Hesselbein, J. Gregory Dees, Jed Emerson, Peter Economy, Steve Roling | Subjects: Nonprofit, Social Responsibility (ESG)
On Being Nonprofit: A Conceptual and Policy
see article On Being Nonprofit: The Bigger Picture – Content: Book | Author: Peter Frumkin | Subject: Nonprofit
Enterprising Nonprofits: A Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs
Content: Book | Authors: J. Gregory Dees, Jed Emerson, Peter Economy | Subjects: Entrepreneurship, Nonprofit
High Performance Nonprofit Organizations: Managing Upstream for Greater Impact
Content: Book | Authors: Allen S. Grossman, Christine W. Letts, William P. Ryan | Subject: Nonprofit | Industry: Non-Profit
Harvard Business Review on Nonprofits
Content: Book | Source: Harvard Business Review | Subject: Nonprofit