How to Find a New Job: An HBR Guide

Are you ready to look for a new job? This comprehensive article covers everything from how to update your resume and write a cover letter to how to ace your interview and follow up. The piece also includes sample language to try and links to resources in the HBR archive.

7 Email Templates for Your Next Job Application (Loved by Hiring Managers)

You need to conduct plenty of research to craft the perfect tailored resume and cover letter fitting the job and the company. That is already hard enough. Now, you need to email these documents to the organization you are applying to. However, that is easier said than done. Many applicants put so much time and effort in their cover letters and resumes, but neglect to … [ Read more ]

How to Write a Cover Letter

Perhaps the most challenging part of the job hunting process is writing an effective cover letter. There’s so much conflicting advice out there, it’s hard to know where to start. Indeed, in an age of digital communication, many might question whether you even need a cover letter anymore. Here’s how to give hiring managers what they’re looking for.

A Memorable Cover Letter Will Boost Your Chances

When seeking to persuade employers you’re a worthy candidate try showing a little creativity using these tips. Plus, see a sample introductory letter. Resume and Letter Center

Resume, curriculum vitae and cover letter writing, sample resumes, sample cover letters, thank you letters, references, and more job search correspondence.

Ten Cover Letter Don’ts

Your cover letter is the first thing employers see when they open your materials. Avoid these 10 mistakes, and make your first impression an impressive and lasting one.

The Art and Science of Writing Cover Letters

Do you get brain freeze when it’s time to write a cover letter? Focus on the answers to these five questions, and you’re off to a good start.

Career Magic

Useful (though not very pretty) site offers good information about resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, and making your resumes web-ready.

Resumes & Letters (UC Berkeley Career Center)

This site provides information on resumes and cover letters. Guidelines, samples, and types of resumes and cover letters can be found on the site.

JobStar Cover Letters

A site answering the questions of who needs a cover letter and what makes one good. Also provides a sample cover letter, cover letter resources, and for those who need help with their grammar, a link to Jack Lynch’s Guide to Grammar and Style.

RPI Writing Center – Cover Letters

This site provides information on the content and format of a cover letter and sample cover letters.

How to Write a GREAT Letter

Content taken from the book, 200 Letters For Job Hunters. Topics can be read individually–in any order–but they make more sense when read in sequence. For ease of reading, each article is linked to the next.

Cover Letter Writing Tips

Provides 4 key rules of cover letter writing: customization, meet their needs, actively sell yourself, keep it simple

Knock ‘Em Dead

has tips and examples for resumes, cover letters and interviewing