Hobsons Careers in Latin America

Job-hunting advice and details of companies providing graduate career opportunities throughout Latin America including training offered, degree subjects required, vacancies, salaries, and case studies of recent graduate recruits.


Jobs in New Zealand. Browse the categories or search by classification/location. You can also view all jobs posted by a specific employer, consultancy, or IT consultancy.

Australian Job Search

Nice looking site lets users click a location on a map of Australia (shows # jobs posted for that region) to browse positions or use a keyword search. Couldn’t easily screen out lower level positions though.

Careers Online


Independent site has many thousands of jobs listed and also has a section focused on executive positions.

Byron Employment Australia

A comprehensive listing of jobs in 18 different fields posted at a number of sites around Australia by advertising agencies, consultants, accountants, and others. Also includes links to other Australian employment related sources.

Telstra Employment Page

Search database of jobs in following categories: Business/Finance, IT, General and Telstra


Covers UK, Candada, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Columbia, Chile, and Argentina. Create a profile and receive matches via email.

LatPro, the Latin American Professional’s Network

Employment opportunities and information for bilingual and bicultural professionals from the America’s. Review job announcements for people with Spanish and Portuguese language skills, check the lists of links for information, and review other resources. Job announcements are dated.

Bucknell Russian Studies Program

The Russian Studies Program at Bucknell University has compiled a great list of resources for contacting potential employers and viewing job listings for people with these skills. “A little known fact about foreign language study is that the job market is glutted with Spanish speakers while jobs for those with a knowledge of Russian go unfilled or are filled by less than qualified applicants.” If … [ Read more ]


Search positions by sector, sub-sector, location, arrangement, keywords and age of posting. Also has a resume manager, discussion forums, a newsletter and more.

Inter-American Development Bank

An organization outlining business opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Also provides a list of approved and upcoming development projects by country or industry sector.

Australian Immigration Department Website

A migration program placing emphasis on attracting new migrants to Australia’s economic growth.


8 Areas of focus include: IT&T, Education, Finance, Media, Health, Hospitality, Government, Graduate.


employment.com.au is a generic employment website covering a multitude of industries and occupations. The site was developed specifically for the Australian market and continues to introduce value-added software making the site more attractive to both recruiters and job seekers. It is one of the leading employment websites in Australia for both consultancies and corporations. The client base includes major corporations, management consultants, government statutory authorities … [ Read more ]


A source of Latin American employment interests. All information is written in Spanish.

Russian East Europe Institute Employment Resources

This site from Indiana University’s Russian and East European Institute has listings in various fields for people who are seeking employment in Russia or Eastern Europe or who have expertise in the languages, history, and culture of these areas.