Sandy Weill

Sandy Weill’s fabled dealmaking changed the face of the financial-services industry. Now he’s looking back at the world he left behind and making new plans.

David Pottruck

chief executive officer of Charles Schwab Corp.

Arthur Levitt

Former SEC chairman

Michael Bloomberg

Founder and CEO, Bloomberg L.P. (note that this interview took place years before he became mayor of NYC)

Paul Volcker

Federal Reserve Board chairman from 1979 to 1987 and current head og the Oversight Board of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC)

Charles Sanford

Sanford is the retired chair and CEO of Bankers Trust (1996). His speech “Financial Markets in 2020,” delivered at a 1993 gathering of central bankers and eminent economists, has become the bible of electronic finance. In it, he spelled out the inevitable shift of financial control away from central bankers and into the hands of consumers. Business 2.0 highlighted Sanford, 61, as one of “The … [ Read more ]

George Soros

if you don’t know who he is, you should…

David Komansky

Chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch & Co.