What Was the Exchange Rate Then?
This site provides exchange rate data for any year or range of years between the United States dollar and other currencies. Time periods covered vary for different countries, but generally cover the early 1900s to 1999. Also presents descriptions of changes in currency units for countries throughout the world, a list of sources, and links to related sites. Part of the Economic History Service. [LII … [ Read more ]
Content: Online Resource | Sources: Economic History Service, EH.net | Subjects: Finance, History
Women Working, 1870-1930
The Harvard University Library Open Collections Program mines Harvard’s large number of libraries to create digital collections of primary historical materials for use by teachers, students, and researchers. Women Working is OCP’s first project, a searchable archive of materials to be drawn ultimately from 2,200 books, 1,000 photographs, and 10,000 pages of manuscript collections. The site can be searched by keyword or browsed by topic. … [ Read more ]
Content: Online Resource | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) | Subjects: History, Women in Business
Financial Scandals
This site offers an interesting view on the shadier side of finance by listing links to information sources covering various types of financial scandals. Topics include:
– Classic Financial and Corporate Scandals
– Scandals involving Central Banks
– Political Corruption
– Organized Crime: the Mafia etc.
– Money Laundering
– Bankers Behaving Badly
– Official Regulatory and Anti-Fraud … [ Read more ]
Content: Online Resource | Author: Roy Davies | Subjects: Finance, History | Industry: Finance / Banking
Ad*Access and The Emergence of Advertising in America
Ad*Access takes an historic look back at advertising that was shaped by-and helped shape-the first half of the 20th century in the United States. The sophisticated searchable database tracks down images and information on some 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers between 1911 and 1955. The ads come from five subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II. A … [ Read more ]
Content: Online Resource | Source: Duke University | Subjects: Advertising, History | Industry: Advertising
Introduction to the theoretical and philosophical basis of modern management
Here are some cut-to-the-chase notes covering theoretical and philosophical principles of modern management, most notably as put forward by various management gurus. The notes were prepared by Patrick J. Boylan, Professor of Heritage Policy and Management, City University, London, UK.
Content: Online Resource | Author: Patrick Boylan | Subjects: History, Management
From the Garage to the Boardroom: The Entrepreneurial Roots of America’s Largest Corporations (.pdf)
The NCOE has released From the Garage to the Boardroom: The Entrepreneurial Roots of America’s Largest Corporations, a new report that found most of America’s big corporations today trace back to one or more entrepreneurial founders. The NCOE’s report shows that entrepreneurship “lies at the very heart” of America’s business structure, and that it is the high-growth start-ups of today — like many of their … [ Read more ]
Content: Online Resource | Source: National Commission on Entrepreneurship (NCOE) | Subjects: Entrepreneurship, History
Emergence of Advertising in America: 1850-1920
This new, collaborative effort between the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History and Duke University’s Digital Scriptorium contains images of over 9,000 advertising items and publications dating from 1850 to 1920. The site is designed to chronicle the rise of consumer culture in America in the late nineteenth century as well as the development of a professionalized advertising industry. The images … [ Read more ]
Content: Online Resource | Sources: Advertising & Marketing History, John W. Hartman Center for Sales | Subjects: Advertising, History | Industry: Advertising
A Thousand Years of Work & Money
The Christian Science Monitor looks at how “typical” workers evolved over a millennium. It explores tangents, from consumerism to investing for social change.
Content: Online Resource | Source: Christian Science Monitor | Subjects: Economics, History
This site has a mission to increase public awareness of the many positive accomplishments of American Free Enterprise, using highlights of the histories of individual companies, and the industries of which they are a part. So, you will find links to individual companies’ histories broken down by industry. You will also find links to museums and historic sites as well as some other useful … [ Read more ]
Content: Online Resource | Author: Gurrie Rhoads and Bryan Rhoads | Subjects: Education, History