
OutsourcingCenter hosts a wealth of free research, case studies, database directories, market intelligence, and ever-expanding content targeted to the information organizational decision-makers seek on emerging trends and best practices in outsourcing as a strategic business solution. The Center also hosts the monthly online Outsourcing Journal and BPO Outsourcing Journal, with more than 40,000 subscribers.

The Outsourcing Institute

Published by The Outsourcing Institute, this site provides information and advice on outsourcing and related sourcing strategies. In addition it provides contacts and opportunities to network within the industry. Free knowledge resources such as case studies, surveys, reports and interviews cover the outsourcing of business processes, IT, sales and strategy. Membership to the site, which is free and merely requires registration, entitles you to even … [ Read more ]


A service of Michael F. Corbett and Associates, Ltd., FirmBuilder.com is dedicated to providing tools and information to businesses interested in outsourcing. The site includes information for those just beginning to learn about outsourcing as well as for businesses currently using outsourcing. The Outsourcing Primer offers a series of articles by Michael F. Corbett and Associates covering basic reasons for outsourcing and techniques companies are … [ Read more ]

CIO.com Outsourcing Research Center

Offers links to most of the top outsourcing consultants, vendors and online resources, as well as an archive of outsourcing articles that have appeared in CIO Magazine and a discussion forum.