Unleashing the Inner Innovator
The same advice on differentiating and learning faster than your competition that is often given to companies, is equally applicable to us as individuals. In this interesting piece, Stephen Shapiro explores how to unleash your inner innovator to differentiate yourself and to find new ways of adding value to your organization.
Editor’s Note: a very interesting read, especially the bit about NASA testing children for … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Stephen M. Shapiro | Source: 24/7 Innovation | Subjects: Innovation, Personal Development
Stephen M. Shapiro
As adults, when we try to solve a problem, we often ask, “What does this mean?” We try to pull the answer from our knowledge bank, just like finding the solution in an encyclopedia. Solve the problem the way it has been solved in the past. This can be useful, but it provides a limited set of possibilities. This is about replication and regurgitation. An … [ Read more ]
Content: Quotation | Source: 24/7 Innovation | Subjects: Innovation, Thought