The Millennials and Us

Judy Olian, Dean of UCLA Anderson School of Management and 2007-2008 Chair of AACSB International offers some thoughts on the implications of the generational shift to millenials for business schools.

What Price Rankings?

Many business schools are upping the ante to compete in the rankings game. Ultimately, the costs to the learning environment may simply be too high.

The Business School Rankings Dilemma

Concerned by the proliferation of media rankings and their potential for negative impact, The Committee on Issues in Management Education appointed a task force to explore the effects on business schools as well as AACSB International’s role in defining quality in MBA programs and assisting prospective students to decide among program alternatives. This report articulates the task force findings and offers several recommendations.

Wharton on the Rankings: “We Can’t Have It Both Ways”

“In April, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania informed students, faculty, staff, and members of its alumni leadership that it would cease distribution of its student and alumni e-mail lists to commercial enterprises, including the upcoming Business Week survey of MBA students. To date, we’re aware of one other institution that has made the same decision – Harvard Business School…”

Questions to Ask About Quality

This list of questions that potential students may want to pose to distance learning providers is reproduced with permission from Quality Issues in Distance Learning published in 1999 by AACSB – The International Association for Management Education.