Report finds college giving has ‘hit a wall’
Business Incubators Effecient Job Creators
‘Operational’ Leaders Play Vital Role Among Executives
An operational leader is someone who sees how the individual elements of an organization fit together and work to create the larger outcome. When they think about issues, the operational leader’s focus is on the systems and processes that are needed or will be affected.
These leaders serve a key role in ensuring that things get done in an effective and efficient manner.
Content: Article | Author: John Maxwell | Source: BizJournals | Subject: Leadership
Chip Revenue to Set Record in ’05
Coming to terms with fear and your leadership abilities
Fear is perhaps the greatest emotional barrier to developing greater emotional intelligence through deeper self-awareness as well as the capacity to empathize and read the people. Fear blocks people from developing and growing as human beings and as wiser and more effective leaders.
Content: Article | Author: Robert ‘Dusty’ Staub | Source: BizJournals | Subjects: Leadership, Personal Development