Do You Know These Marketing Rules of Thumb?
Do you know the “50/50 rule” of content marketing?
How about the “99:1 rule” of affiliate marketing?
Or the “25-50-25 rule” of time management for entrepreneurs?
Or Fred Gleeck’s “10X rule” of information product pricing?
This infographic shows you in a concise, graphic format the 12
important marketing rules of thumb every marketer should know.
Content: Article | Author: Bob Bly | Source: | Subject: Marketing / Sales
More E-books Sold in the U.S. than Either Hardcover or Paperback
How Entrepreneurs Spend Their Days
Help Me Find My “Missing” Copywriting Formula
Bob Bly asks readers of his blog about copyrighting for “formulas” for writing copy.
Content: Article | Author: Bob Bly | Source: | Subject: Marketing / Sales
Bob Bly
Never give people unsolicited advice. If they want your opinion, they’ll ask for it. And only those who ask for it and pay for it will value it.
Content: Quotation | Source: | Subject: Communication