Creative Thinking

We all want and need creativity in our personal lives and at work. But how can we nurture, encourage and use creativity successfully? Patrick Harris offers some suggestions.

Why Management History Matters

The economic crisis has prompted many to call for a greater emphasis on studying the history of business and management. Morgen Witzel looks at the lessons that could be learned and why they are so important.

Patrick Harris

One way to stimulate a creative mindset is to avoid the typical focus of organizations on what is and to ask, instead, what if questions. Doing this regularly tests your ability to see things anew.

Top Rank: Della Bradshaw interview by George Bickerstaffe

She has been called the most important woman in management education – and occasionally other, much less flattering, things. Della Bradshaw, Business Education Editor of the Financial Times in London and for the past ten years overseer of the newspaper’s business school ranking system, is unimpressed by either approach. Bradshaw tells George Bickerstaffe that people need to be more relaxed about business school rankings.