A Matter of Degree
A (not terribly scientific) look at some pros and cons of an MBA for mid-career folks.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Source: SmartMoney | Subject: Miscellaneous MBA-related Resources
The Learning Curve
A basic look at online MBA options and considerations.
Content: Prospective MBA Content | Author: Chris Taylor | Source: SmartMoney | Subject: Online & Distance MBA
Map of the Market
Here is an interactive Applet that shows a snapshot of the market by sector with color coding to indicate performance. Mouse over any square to see details of the related company and it’s stock performance. View performance for the day, the past 6 or 12 months, or YTD. Click on a company square and get quick access to more detailed info including:
… [ Read more ]
Content: Online Resource | Source: SmartMoney | Subject: Finance | Industry: Investment Banking