A Long-Term Commitment
A recent Accenture global survey of more than 500 companies, combined with 32 in-depth interviews with experienced outsourcing executives, demonstrates a new maturity in the way businesses and governments are working the outsourcing lifecycle, and reveals hard-won expertise in getting the most from outsourcing partnerships. These executives embrace outsourcing as a mainstream management tool for improving performance and increasing productivity. Far from a one-shot quick … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Adam Johnson, Philip A. George | Source: Outlook Journal (Accenture) | Subjects: Management, Outsourcing / BPO
High Performance Outsourcing: Gaining Control through Outsourcing in the Manufacturing and Consumer Industries
Businesses that outsource gain powerful new control over business performance according to a multinational survey conducted by Accenture. A full 86 percent of executives realize control gains over business results-most within the first year of outsourcing.
Content: Article | Authors: Adam Johnson, John D. Rollins | Source: Accenture | Subject: Outsourcing / BPO