Irrational Exuberance – The Power of Branding
The concept of branding is one of the most talked about topics in modern business. To the converted, it’s an effective way to build a substantial business which continues to feed on itself. To the uninitiated, it seems to be much ado about nothing. Many millions of dollars are spent in the name of building a brand. Yet, its value remains … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Alan Yu | Source: | Subject: Marketing / Sales
Getting Ready for Battle – Marketing Research
Important though it is, market research is often a misunderstood – and misused – discipline. Rather than enlightening, it sometimes confuses and misleads. It’s often hijacked by talented technicians who focus so much on the methods that they lose sight of the purpose.
Content: Article | Author: Alan Yu | Source: | Subject: Market Research
Pricing – the difference between life and death
A great deal of literature on the subject of pricing is littered with arcane terminology and convoluted tools of analysis, to the extent that it is not very helpful for managers who have to make pricing decisions day to day. The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the factors a manager should consider when setting prices, and some common sense guidelines … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Alan Yu | Source: | Subjects: Management, Pricing
Curse of simplicity – Matrix Organisations
A look at the matrix structure covering the following topics:
– What is a matrix organisation?
– How does a matrix make life easier?
– How does it make life more difficult?
– What does it mean for the manager?
– Some of the pitfalls
– How to know whether the matrix is right for you
Content: Article | Author: Alan Yu | Source: | Subject: Organizational Behavior