Quality Linked to Conversation
“The quality of an organization is directly linked to the quality of conversations of the people in that organization.”
Certain people really “get it” when you have a conversation with them. You feel like they really get you at the gut level, not just at the head level. You walk away from a conversation with them feeling deeply understood and valued. Get It! people have … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Brady Wilson | Source: CEO Refresher | Subjects: Organizational Behavior, Personal Development
Feelings Rule
In the book, First, Break All the Rules, Buckingham and Coffman say, “It would be [most] efficient to identify the few emotions you want your employees to feel and then to hold your managers accountable for creating these emotions. These emotions become your outcomes.” How do you begin to identify the feelings you want your employees to feel? Based on our own research, and the … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Brady Wilson | Source: CEO Refresher | Subjects: Management, Organizational Behavior