Jay Desai

The role of the CEO or founder means wearing many hats, and it may be hard for the mentor hat to be one of them — especially if you’re hiring people more senior or experienced than you. If you try, it will be inauthentic. A CEO can be many things to their manager to be supportive, and mentor may not be one of them. It’s hard … [ Read more ]

Jay Desai

I’d rather get sophisticated questions than simple answers from new hires. People often don’t think that asking questions is indicative of quick learning. They think it’s the opposite.

Jay Desai

There are at least two types of people when it comes to communication response time: real-time vs. gradual processors. If a real-time processor is negotiating with a gradual processor, it can be frustrating unless expectations are set up front.

The Indispensable Document for the Modern Manager

Jay Desai has FOMU. As a first-time founder and CEO of health technology startup PatientPing, he’s got a healthy fear of messing up. This anxiety especially bubbles to the surface when it has to do with his team — now over 100 employees — and particularly the seven who report directly to him. He’s seen too many immensely talented and productive teams stall because of … [ Read more ]