Find Out What References Are Really Saying About You
Are past bosses saying things to discredit you with future employers? Learn about the reference-checking process and whether you should do a background check on yourself.
Content: Career Information | Author: Barbara Mende | Source: CareerJournal (WSJ) | Subjects: Career Info, Interviewing
Jobseekers Advice
Anyone who has been in the job market knows there are tons of great Web sites from Monster to Yahoo that offer top-notch information about jobs and how to get them. Do we really need another?
The fact is, is a quirky piece of work that was started in 2002 by Scott Boyd, a European Web designer and poor speller. Boyd says he kept seeing … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Source: Jobseekers Advice | Subject: Career Info
Solid Money, Worried Minds (2004)
Raises are back, and the average IT manager’s salary approaches six figures. So why are they so grim about their careers? InformationWeek’s annual state-of-IT survey.
Editor’s Note: IT leaders offer advice for preparing to thrive in tomorrow’s workplace in the related article, “Where The Opportunity Is“
Content: Career Information | Source: InformationWeek | Subjects: Benefits / Comp., Career Info
Finance and Accounting Salary Guide
The salary guide is one item on this Accountemps free resources site geared towared those interested in accounting and finance careers.
Content: Career Information | Source: Accountemps | Subjects: Benefits / Comp., Career Info
O*NET Online
O*NET OnLine is an application that was created for the general public-to provide broad access to the O*NET database of occupational information.
The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledges, work activities, and interests associated with occupations. This information can be used to facilitate career exploration, vocational counseling, and a variety of human resources functions, such as developing job orders and position descriptions and … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Subjects: Career Info, Research / Corp. Info – General
Careers in Business
Careers in Business brings you with the latest scoop on various business career areas including jobs, salaries, what people are saying and entry requirements. Areas covered include:
– Commercial Banking
– Corporate Finance
– Financial Planning
– Insurance
– Investment Banking
– Money Management
– Real Estate
… [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Author: Wendy Tunstall | Subject: Career Info
Etiquette for Job Hunters – The Advantages of Manners
If you have the basic information and equipment and approach the situation with common sense, intelligence and sensitivity, you’ll not only handle anything you come across, but handle it with impeccable manners as well.
Content: Career Information | Author: Paula Gamonal | Source: Ravenwerks | Subject: Career Info
How to Become a Star at Work
Stars do a lot of forward thinking. They take control of both their work routines and career goals, knowing that the days when a paternal hand would reach down from upper management to guide the way are gone…
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
Expertise in Labour Mobility
Expertise in Labour Mobility is a consultancy company specialised in research, information provision and training with regard to mobility on the International labour market. Our greatest strength is in helping both individuals and businesses to become part of the global workplace.
Expertise in Labour Mobility is not a search and selection company. However, we provide advice and training on working across borders and between cultures. As … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Subjects: Career Info, International
Stork & May and Partners
“Stork & May is the leading career strategy consultancy which specializes in advising only the most senior people on their career choices. The firm is based in London but works worldwide. The clients are individuals at Chief Executive, Main Board, Divisional Managing Director or Partner level with remuneration generally in the range £200,000 – £1 million p.a. ($400,000 – $2 million in the USA).
Stork … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
Job Search, Career Resources, and Community features for students (not just MBAs but several current MBA Depot members found the site via this source so I guess MBAs are using it).
Content: Career Information | Subjects: Career Info, Job Search
Quintessential Careers
Site offers expert career and job-hunting advice, as well as links to all the best job sites. THey have a special section for MBAs. The Main page headings include: Featured Article of the Week, Career Tip of the Day, Career Tool of the Day, They also offer a free biweekly e-zine. Other features: career tutorial, career doctor.
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
Ask the Headhunter
This USA Today Hot Site purports to offer the inside edge on job search and hiring. It is an advice only site – no resumes or job postings. But the content is quite good. Features found: Q&A, The Crocodile (learn who’s for real and who’s not), Articles, Guest Voice (advice from others), Industry Insider, It’s Got Teeth (news stories from around the … [ Read more ]
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
This VerticalNet business has a ton of features – something for everyone.
Content: Career Information | Subjects: Career Info, Jobs – Listing Services
Career Talk
Offers Interviewing tips, Information for recruiters and managers, their ‘Ultimate Job Search Kit’, Information on behavioral interviews, etc.
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
Experience Online
Site from the publishers of experience magazine and part of the group that created eRecruiting. Site is focused on students and young professionals and includes company and industry profiles.
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
Brilliant People
This site by management recruiters international (MRI) has good content which includes: Ask a recruiter, tech tips, working with a recruiter, resume tips, interviewing tips, relocation info, and hiring trends.
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
Career Resource Center (Fortune & Career Mosaic)
Find resources on the following topics: contacting employers, interviewing advice, self assessment, finding opportunities, networking links, interview-research links, resume links, references, negotiating salary, alternative career paths, temp/project work, starting a company, and relocation.
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
College Grad Job Hunter
This site targeting recent college graduates and entry level workers offers advice on how to get a job covering the job hunt, resumes, cover letters, interviews and negotiations.
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info
Riley Guide
The Riley Guide is a directory of employment and career information sources and services on the Internet. It is primarily intended to provide instruction for job seekers on how to use the Internet to their best advantage. They do not post jobs nor do they post or review resumes.
Content: Career Information | Subject: Career Info