Job Hunters

This site is designed to supplement the book, What Color is Your Parachute?. The site provides commentary and links for job searching and career changing.

Working diva –

A source of career exploration assistance, reviews of online job resources, advice on resume writing, and information about self-employment and entrepreneurship especially for women.


From the publishers of Employment Review Magazine. Includes much more than just a jobs database.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives. Revised every two years, the Handbook describes what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations.

Career Interests Game

This game, based on the RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional) model of occupations, is designed to help you match your interests and skills with similar careers. It can help you begin thinking about how your personality will fit in with specific work environments and careers.

Career Key

You can use this test to narrow down the career choices that suit you. This test is based on the RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional) six different personality types. Suggested occupations based on your responses are listed with test results.

Career Toolbox

This site offers two tests to assist with career exploration. The 60 item sample work interest quiz is designed to acquaint the user with a national test called the Interest-Finder which is available with the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Career Exploration Program. Answers are analyzed and fit into two of the six RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising or Conventional) work types. Information … [ Read more ]

Employment Search Readiness Inventory

This site from Employment Guide’s Career Web offers a questionnaire to assist in the job search which measures what you are doing to find a new job, earn a promotion in your current position, or take advantage of new opportunities.

Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP)

This site offers an online assessment test identifying your motivations and how to use them for success in career and life planning. Several in-depth appraisals and reports are offered for a fee.

Editor’s Note: Career coach Matthew John Donatelle reached out to me to suggest his free Career Enjoyment Interest Test® as an alternative.

Psychometrics Online Testing Page

Psychometrics, a publisher of assessment test and services has an online testing page with questionnaires. The tests are in the development phase, so the feedback may not be 100% accurate, but should be informative. The Workstyles Inventory helps you determine your workplace personality. The Trima Career Competency Questionnaire helps you familiarize yourself with your career competencies. Three tests are available: Career Values Inventory, Workstyles Inventory, … [ Read more ]

Self Evaluation Tests

This site provides access to a series of short career-related assessment tools including a Job Burnout Test (is it time to leave your present job?); Workaholic Test; Stress Indicator Test; How Prepared Are You? (Test your skills in knowing how to change jobs); What Career Is For You? (Are your career goals compatible with your personality?)

A variety of career-related information and articles from the Wall Street Journal and the National Business Employment Weekly are included on this site. Among the features included on this site are Careers Q&A, articles from a number of career columnists, and information about career counseling online.

America’s Career Information Network

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) sponsored the development of America’s Career Kit. This powerful suite of tools includes America’s Career InfoNet (ACINet), America’s Job Bank (AJB), and America’s Learning Exchange (ALX). Each product offers a unique solution to the overwhelming demands of today’s labor market from the perspective of the job seeker, the employer, and the training and education community.