The best time to start planning your financing is before you apply to business school. After all, you’re committing to one of the biggest financial investments you’re likely to make at the same time you forego an annual salary. If cost is one of your key considerations, the good news is that there’s a vast array of financing options to make it all possible. But before you dive into the details, step back to understand your options and set a strategy. This part of the process is uniquely tied to your profile and circumstances—your personal resources, nationality, chosen program and credit history are all factors that will impact your financing approach. At Fortuna Admissions, we often discuss funding options and advise candidates on their scholarship applications. Having myself headed up INSEAD’s Admissions & Financial Aid office, here’s my guidance to get you started.
Authors: Caroline Diarte Edwards, Georgina Hannah
Source: Poets & Quants
Subject: Financing Your MBA
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