Living in Dell Time
For most businesses, warehouses full of stuff are a kind of security blanket. But Dell has replaced inventory with information, and that has helped turn it into one of the fastest, most hyperefficient organizations on the planet. Here’s how Dell uses speed as the ultimate competitive weapon, and why rivals may never be able to catch up.
Content: Case Study | Author: Bill Breen | Source: Fast Company | Subject: Operations | Industry: Personal Computer | Company: Dell
Worldwide Server Revenues
Michael Dell
Content: Thought Leader | Source: Knowledge@Emory | Subject: Management | Industry: Personal Computer
Tablet PCs’ Future Still Rocky
PDA Market Not Done Growing
Dell Still Top PC Maker (Q2 2004)
Liu Chuanzhi
Chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group – or Legend Group, as the company used to be called. Leonovo long been regarded as one of China’s best-known business success stories. Having begun life in 1984 as a distributor of foreign PCs, the company has become China’s (and Asia’s) largest computer maker. As strong economic growth during the past decades spurred demand for PCs in China, Legend … [ Read more ]
Content: Thought Leader | Source: Knowledge@Wharton | Subject: Management | Industry: Personal Computer
Best Buy, Dell Top in Computer Sales
Palm Nearly Pushed from First Place
PC Sales Expected to Soar in 2004
European Corporate Disposal of PCs
Wireless LAN (WLAN) Forecasts
Where Does Apple Go from Here?
Macintosh market share continues to decline, but the iPod and iTunes are hit products. Where does Apple Computer’s future lie? An interview with HBS professor David Yoffie.
Content: Case Study | Author: David Yoffie | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subjects: Industry Specific, Strategy | Industry: Personal Computer
Products and Peripherals to Push PC Sales
Home Is Where The Network Is
Inside Dell Computer Corporation: Managing Working Capital
The secret to excellence lies in doing many things well. It also requires staying focused on the goal even when tempted to do otherwise.
Editor’s Note: this article is from 1998 but for those not too familiar with Dell it will be of value.
Content: Case Study | Author: Lawrence M. Fisher | Source: strategy+business | Subject: Industry Specific | Industry: Personal Computer
PC Sales by Price Range
Host of Handhelds in EMEA
PC Penetration, Sales in the US
Doubly Blessed?
Integrating Hewlett-Packard and Compaq may have been the easy part. Can HP now beat Dell and IBM at their own game?
Content: Case Study | Author: Roy Harris | Source: CFO Publishing | Industry: Personal Computer