Ambassador for the Asian Century
Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani says the West should lose its arrogance and the East should step up to global leadership.
Content: Article | Authors: Kishore Mahbubani, Sheridan Prasso | Source: strategy+business | Subject: International – Asia
India’s Lagging Financial System
The country must develop its financial system in order to keep pace with China.
Content: Article | Authors: Aneta Marcheva Key, Diana Farrell | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subject: International – Asia
China and India: The Reality Beyond the Hype
The conventional wisdom says that China is the biggest story of our time. Now, as India goes through a similar process characterized by historically high rates of growth and further integration into the global economy, it appears that the path it follows will influence the global economy and business environment. Perhaps, then, India is the next big story.
Global business leaders believe that they must have … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Ira Kalish | Source: Deloitte | Subjects: International – Asia, International – China
The Economic Impact of an Aging Japan
The rapid aging of the Japanese population will dramatically reduce savings and wealth-and cut off an important supply of capital to the world.
Content: Article | Authors: Diana Farrell, Ezra Greenberg | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Economics, International – Asia
Checking India’s Vital Signs
This series of interactive exhibits depicts the shape-and scope-of India’s remarkable economic transition and its effects on consumers and businesses and then examines some of the challenges facing the country.
Content: Article | Author: Jayant Sinha | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subject: International – Asia
Negotiating with the Complex, Imaginative Indian
The purpose of the article is to outline the way in which Indians negotiate and the difficulties that such a style may pose for North Americans. We also explore the possible strategies that the North American manager may employ in his or her interactions with the Indians. We begin by outlining some of the dominant Indian cultural values, and subsequently assess their impact on the … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Rajesh Kumar | Source: Ivey Business Journal | Subject: International – Asia
The Scrutable East
Valuations are linked to growth. So why are they lower in high-growth markets in Asia?
Content: Article | Authors: Marc H. Goedhart, Nicolas C. Leung, Tim Koller | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subject: International – Asia
China and India: Partners in Competition
A consensus is emerging that global economic power is moving towards Asia, with India and China at the center of the region’s rise. This study looks at the evolving relationship between the two emerging powers and explores the opportunities for them to grow together, learn from one another and collaborate to overcome shared problems and achieve shared goals.
Content: Article | Source: Accenture | Subject: International – Asia
Asian and American Leadership Styles: How Are They Unique?
Business leadership is at the core of Asian economic development, says HBS professor D. Quinn Mills. As he explained recently in Kuala Lumpur, the American and Asian leadership styles, while very different, also share important similarities.
Content: Article | Author: D. Quinn Mills | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subjects: International – Asia, Leadership
How Japanese Multinationals Work So Well
The business system of the Japanese multinational comprises five interlocking parts. This article discusses these five characteristics and their respective contributions to the success of Japanese multinational companies.
Editor’s Note: this was written in 1991, before the Japanese bubble burst. Still, I find it a brief but interesting look at the Japanese business system.
Content: Article | Author: Nigel Campbell | Source: Prism (Arthur D. Little) | Subject: International – Asia
Innovation Blowback: Disruptive Management Practices from Asia
Western companies think too narrowly about the emerging world. If they aren’t careful, they may end up as defenders, not attackers.
Content: Article | Authors: John Hagel III, John Seely Brown | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: International – Asia, Strategy
Japan’s Coming Competitive Renaissance
Guided by the ancient philosophy of bushido, a new generation of companies is set to emerge on the global scene.
Content: Article | Authors: Cecilia S.V. Ng, George Yip | Source: strategy+business | Subject: International – Asia
Integrating Southeast Asia’s Economies
The region is falling behind its rivals. Turning it into a true single market would boost its competitiveness and help restore its economic luster.
Content: Article | Authors: Adam Schwarz, Roland Villinger | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Economics, International – Asia
Asia’s Governance Challenge
Corporate governance has undoubtedly improved in Asia. Some countries-Singapore in particular-have made significant progress. The next step is to instill the new behavior, and that will take time. Many corporate leaders, investors, and regulators in Asia articulate the benefits of more effective corporate governance. But they understand that enduring reform won’t be achieved overnight and that, in the short term, many practical impediments and disincentives … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Authors: Dominic Barton, Paul Coombes, Simon Chiu-Yin Wong | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: Corporate Governance, International – Asia
The Private Equity Invasion of Japan
Ripplewood and others are shaking up a traditionally closed market.
Content: Article | Author: Toshio Aritake | Source: Chief Executive | Subject: International – Asia
Can Chinese Brands Make it Abroad?
The answer is yes, but it won’t be easy.
Content: Article | Authors: Jonathan R. Woetzel, Paul Gao, Yibing Wu | Source: McKinsey Quarterly | Subjects: International – Asia, Marketing / Sales
What the New Asia Means for Multinationals
Many of the Western multinationals operating in Asia have a head start when it comes to achieving the potential benefits of cross-border integration. They already have an international reach that spans the region through established subsidiaries and experience of how to adapt to local conditions. But arguably the presence many multinationals have established in Asia is more suited to prospering in yesterday’s competitive environment rather … [ Read more ]
Content: Article | Author: Peter J. Williamson | Source: Harvard Business School (HBS) Working Knowledge | Subjects: International – Asia, Strategy
Japanese fight for their IP rights
No longer content to be subservient and stiffed, the country’s innovators are rising up, and cashing in, with a string of ground-breaking lawsuits.
Content: Article | Source: Red Herring | Subjects: International – Asia, Legal
The View from the East
India’s upstart IT-services firms face their own challenges from their giant rivals in the West.
Content: Article | Author: Justin Wood | Source: CFO Publishing | Subjects: International – Asia, Outsourcing / BPO
Navigating the Asian markets
The experience of doing business in Asia has been a sobering one for many MNCs – but companies can learn from the mistakes of others if they understand changing consumer behaviour and its strategic implications.
Content: Article | Source: European Business Forum (EBF) | Subjects: International – Asia, Marketing / Sales