Lacy Edwards

Lacy Edwards has been in the software industry almost since there was a software industry. He put himself through college by working as a computer programmer after a stint in the Marine Corps, and spent five years at IBM where he was an award-winning sales executive. Since then he has served as CEO of three new companies, building them to the point where they did … [ Read more ]

Steve Ballmer

Microsoft CEO gives presentation at Stanford Business School – see bottom of article for link to full video

Steve Ballmer

CEO of Microsoft

Bill Gates

Joe & Stewart Alsop

MIT-educated Joe Alsop cofounded (in 1981) Progress Software (then called Data Language) to make tools for software developers.

Stewart, a former journalist, is now a VC with New Enterprise Associates and columnist for Fortune magazine.

Michael Saylor

Founder and CEO of MicroStrategy Inc.

Craig Mundie

Microsoft Senior VP of Consumer Strategy

Sanjiv S. Sidhu

Founder and chairman of i2 Technologies Inc., the Dallas-based maker of e-commerce software.

Steve Ballmer

Microsoft CEO and long-time right arm for Bill Gates

Bob Young

chairman and co-founder of Red Hat

Bill Gates

includes sections on Hardware platforms, Linux, Research, and Flaming the DOJ