Quest to Dethrone Nike and Jump-Start Baltimore

Kevin Plank is out to build the “baddest brand on the planet.” Here’s where the city fits in.

Warren Buffett

My successor will need one other particular strength: the ability to fight off the ABCs of business decay, which are arrogance, bureaucracy and complacency. When these corporate cancers metastasize, even the strongest of companies can falter.

The Real Payoff From an MBA Is Different for Men and Women

Women with MBAs face a gender-based pay divide that starts as soon as they graduate, and plagues them throughout their careers.

Is the Theory of Disruption Dead Wrong?

The sexiest idea to come out of business schools in decades has major flaws, a new study says.

Why Choose a European Business School?

Many aspiring MBAs may wonder where a European business school will lead you. A close look at the 19 European programs included in our list of the best international business schools can help answer that question. One thing is clear: a European B-School isn’t necessarily a one-way ticket into a European career. The top employers of European B-School graduates are American companies, according to Bloomberg … [ Read more ]

Who Turns Down the Best Business Schools?

Plenty of MBA hopefuls are thankful to get an acceptance letter from any of their top-choice schools (most of them applied to three or four, Bloomberg data show). Some lucky students, however, get accepted to more than one of the country’s best schools. We asked thousands of 2015 MBA graduates which schools they had applied to, and where they enrolled, as part of our 2015 … [ Read more ]

The Best Age to Go to Business School

To get the best pay out of your MBA, you have to graduate within a narrow age window.

It’s Not Just Disruption: More Management Wisdom You Should Doubt

There are some “best practices” taken as gospel at many business schools that may actually do your company—and, by extension, your career—more harm than good. Here are some bits of management gospel you should question

Business Education’s Loudest Enemy Takes on Harvard

In the space of a 45-minute conversation, Henry Mintzberg called out Harvard Business School for misleading ads, dismissed MBA programs as “overrated,” and declared he’s “had it” with all the focus on leadership. In other words: classic Mintzberg.

Clayton Christensen Responds to New Yorker Takedown of ‘Disruptive Innovation’

When the New Yorker this week published Harvard historian Jill Lepore’s sharply written dismissal of “disruptive innovation,” it was an attack on one of the most widely cited and celebrated ideas in modern business. Christensen hasn’t responded in writing to the essay, but when I reached him by phone on Thursday afternoon, it was clear he’d been thinking about it. Consistently described by those who … [ Read more ]

Not All Professional Women Want to Lean In

While Sheryl Sandberg and others emphasize the challenges for working mothers, women early in their careers say they face very different dilemmas.

Editor’s Note: I agree with one commenter that the “solutions” offered seem disconnected from the primary point of the article (plus, seem of rather dubious validity).

This Is the Unauthorized Letter Passed to Elite MBAs For Decades

A student’s survival guide from the 1980s is still quietly being forwarded to first-year students at some business schools.