E-Commerce Times

This site provides a global overview of the e-commerce industry, and is a great resource for those “in the industry” to find out what’s going on. The overly caffeinated and e-commerced among you will greatly appreciate the daily cartoon. Headlines, a stock index, research, resources for the multi-million dollar enterprise as well as small business, and great newsletters make this site a good visit.

The Making of E-Commerce: 10 Key Moments

The first great event in the history of e-commerce wasn’t the invention of Netscape or the first e-Christmas. According to an E-Commerce Times roundup of the top 10 e-commerce milestones,
it was the 1984 adoption of the ASC X12 standard for electronic data interchange. That much-overlooked event paved the way for better-known milestones — Netscape’s arrival is event No. 2,
and the 1998 holiday shopping … [ Read more ]

The Future of E-Commerce 101

Article discusses how top business schools are integrating e-commerce topics into their courses in a scramble to keep up with Internet time, with Stanford and Michigan’s MBA programs highlighted.

Reality Check: The State of E-Commerce

In light of the torrent of anecdotal evidence suggesting that e-commerce firms may be on the endangered species list, the E-Commerce Times investigated the big picture of the industry. What we found may surprise you.